Net Force
2nd Law Concept
2nd Law Math
1st Law Concept
Free Fall

This is the meaning of the word "net" in "net force."

What is total?

__________ causes acceleration.
What is force?
This is the equation for Newton's second law.
What is a = f/ m or f = m x a ?
An object in motion stays in ______________.
What is motion?

When comparing a bowling ball and a basketball, this object has more weight (force of gravity).

What is the bowling ball?


If two forces are going in the same direction, this is what you should do to find the net force.

What is add?

Mass __________________ acceleration.
What is resists? (Or something similar)
This is the acceleration of a 2 kg ball thrown with 10 N of force? (include a unit!)
What is 5 m/s/s?
This is the nickname for Newton's 1st law.
What is inertia?
When comparing a bowling ball and a basketball, this object has more mass.
What is the bowling ball?

Jack and Jill move a pail of water.  If Jack pushes with 10 N of force and Jill pulls with 15 N of force in the same direction, this is the net force on the pail.

What is 25 N?


An empty grocery cart and a full grocery cart are pushed with the same amount of force. 

This is the cart (empty or full) that will accelerate more.

What is the empty cart?

This is the amount of force needed to make a 10 kg cart accelerate at 3 m/s/s. (include proper unit!)
What is 30 N?
This is the only physical property of an object that changes the amount of inertia the object has.
What is mass?

When a bowling ball and basketball are dropped from the same height at the same time, this is the timing of how they land.

What is they land at the same time?


Jimmy pushes a box with 75 N of force. Friction works against him with a force of 10 N.  This is the net force on the box.

What is 65 N?


According to Newton's second law, this is why a small sports car gets better gas mileage than a large SUV.

What is mass resists acceleration? The SUV has more mass, so it takes more force to make it accelerate.

This is the mass of a hockey puck that accelerates at 5 m/s/s when pushed with 10 N of force. (Unit!)
What is 2 kg?
This is a real life example of Newton's first law.
Many right thoughts here! Examples: Seat belt, moving forward in a car, athlete who has trouble stopping suddenly, a golf ball not moving just because you yelled at it, etc.

This force explains why a flat paper and crumpled paper fall at different rates.

What is air resistance?

When an object falls, eventually it reaches a point where the downward force is equal to the upward, drag force. This term describes this moment where the net force is zero.
What is terminal velocity?

Mr. Hwang and Ms. Syer both throw a football of the same mass. According to Newton's second law, this is why Mr. Hwang's football will accelerate more.

What is Mr. Hwang has big muscles that can apply more force?

This is how much a 20 kg rope will accelerate when the purple team pulls with 85 N to the right and the silver team pulls with 105 N of force to the left.
What is 1 m/s/s?
Some people say that Newton's first law is really just Newton's second law describing a situation in which the acceleration is this amount because the force is this amount.
What is zero?

These formulas show Newton's second law written two different ways with capital and lower case letters to compare the acceleration of objects with different masses.

What is a = F / M and a = f/m?
