Isaac Newton
Which law is it?
Newton's 1st Law
Newton's 2nd Law
Newton's 3rd Law

Isaac Newton is most famous for these discoveries. 

What is the law of motion and the law of universal gravitation? 


A ball is kicked by a soccer player and will eventually stop because of friction from the grass. This is known as what law of motion. 

What is Newton's 1st Law of Motion? 


This is another name for Newton's First Law of Motion. 

What is the Law of Inertia? 


Define Newton's Second Law of Motion. 

What is "if a net force acts on an object, it will cause an acceleration of that object?"


This is the formula you use to calculate Newton's Third Law of Motion. 

What is FAB = -FBA ?

Newton was born on this date.

What is 1643? What is January 4th 1643? 


Jimmy is easily pushing an empty cart while Timmy is struggling to push a cart full of toys. They are both applying the same amount of force but their carts have different masses. This means Jimmy is having an easier time because his cart has less mass and he is going faster. This law of motion is known as what. 

What is Newton's 2nd Law of Motion?


True or False: Sarah's phone is at rest until someone calls her and her phone starts buzzing. It won't be in motion after it stops buzzing. This is an example of Newton's First Law of Motion. 

What is True? 


This is the change in velocity (of an object) over a period of time. 

What is acceleration? 


Define Newton's Third Law of Motion.

What is "every action has an opposite and equal reaction?" 


Isaac invented this well known study used in today's math. 

What is calculus? 


A basketball is not in motion on the basketball court and no outside forces act upon it. This law of motion is known as what. 

What is Newton's 1st Law of Motion?


This is what happens if you were riding a scooter and hit something in the road or on the sidewalk. 

What is your body will fly forward and the scooter will stop since that force make it stop. 


This vehicle will have more acceleration than a truck because it has less mass even if you applied the same amount of force to both. 

What is a car, golf cart, etc. 


Equal means this in Newton's Third Law of Motion. 

What is "equal in time and size?". 


Isaac Newton was known for many inventions, discoveries and what he did. Isaac was most known for being this. 

What is a mathematician? 


A person is walking from their home to the park. They use their feet to push off from the ground and the ground exerts an equal and opposite force allowing the person to continue walking. This law of motion is known as what. 

What is Newton's 3rd Law of Motion?


Define Newton's First Law of Motion. 

What is an object that is in motion will stay in motion until acted upon. Same rules apply for an object at rest, it'll stay at rest until acted on from an outside force. 


This is the measurement/formula of Newton's Second Law of Motion. 

What is F=ma? 


When bouncing a ball, like a basketball, this is the grounds response to the ball hitting it. 

What is the ground has an equal and opposite reaction allowing it to continue to bounce until it eventually stops.


Newton spoke in these 3 languages. 

What is English, Latin, and Greek? 


An object is sent into space. The object will not be stopped until an outside force is acted upon it. This law of motion is known as what. 

What is Newton's 1st Law of Motion? 


This is what you would do to measure an object inertia. 

What is calculating the mass of that object?


This is what the f, m, and a stand for in f = ma. 

What is the f stands for force, the m stands for mass, and the a stands for acceleration? 


In Newton's Third Law of Motion, this is what Newton means by opposite. 

What is the object will go in a different angle or opposite direction?
