Motion in the Ocean
A Force is a Force, of Course
Like a Circle in a Circle
It's NRG!

James walks across the deck of his cruise ship – he measures his speed 3 mi/hr relative to the Lido Deck.  As the background for measuring his motion, the Lido deck serves as this.

What is the frame of reference?


This is how you can tell a force is acting on an object.

What is if that object accelerates? (or changes?)


Sloane is swinging on her swing set, trying not to think about helping out her elderly neighbor in the Falls Village/Norfolk Greater Metropolitan Area.  She thinks to herself: “Thecentripetal force that makes me travel in a curved path acts in this direction!”

What is toward the center of the circle/curved path?


He is currently the governor of Connecticut.

Who is Ned Lamont?


Energy is defined as the ability to do this.

What is work?


James walks 3 mi/hr from the front of the Lido Deck to the back (opposite to the motion of the ship). At the same time, the ship sails forward at 5 mi/hr. This is James’s velocity relative to the ocean.

What is 2 miles/hr forward?


Two objects, a 100 kg banana and a 200 kg toy walrus, are accelerated by the same force. This object will accelerate twice as much as the other.

What is the 100-kg banana?


Stephen is driving his quad down a long, straight road at 65 mi/hr. His elderly neighbor’s electric shopping cart is slowly making loops in the driveway at 2 mi/hr. This one has a greater acceleration.

What is the electric shopping cart?


In the Newton's first law lab, when the ball bearing hit the cart, you were able to increase the inertia of the cart by adding this.

What is mass?


The type of energy based on the position of an object is called this.

What is potential energy?


Karim is riding in his parents’ pickup truck, and they go around a sharp corner.  Karim says: “I’ve been thrown against the door of the truck and it hurt!”  “Oh, no!” says Sophia, “You weren’t actually thrown against the door, but, actually, this happened!”

What is the truck exerted a centripetal force on Karim to make him change direction.


According to Newton's third law, that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, when a tennis racquet hits a ball with 20N of force, the ball does this:

What is hit the tennis racquet with 20N of force in the opposite direction?


Daily Double! In spite of the fact that there is no snow (yet), Ben is being pulled in his toy sled by Cate, using a force of 500 N. Ben is sliding along at a constant speed of 8 m/s. This is the net force that Cate is exerting on Ben and his sled, and you know that because of this.

What is zero Newtons, because he isn't accelerating.


This morning, Joe Biden pulled ahead of Donald Trump in this state.

What is Georgia?


Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but does this.

What is transform into other types of energy.


James walks backwards so he can take a selfie near the railing of the Lido Deck. He goes too far and falls off the ship. As he plummets toward the icy North Sea, his speed goes from 0 m/sec to 20m/sec in 2 seconds. This is his acceleration.

What is 10 m/s^2?


Quinn runs down the hallway, dives face-first onto the shiny tile floor, and slides to a stop.  This caused her negative acceleration.

What is the force of friction?


This type of force causes an object, like Stella swinging on her tire swing, to travel in a curved path.

What is centripetal force?


Visual Prompt: 

Who is Duncan the One-Eyed Wonderdog?


When Tate and Riley are rocketing down the hill on their brand new Flexible Flyer sled, they have this type of energy.

What is kinetic energy?
