Newton's 1st Law
Newton's 2nd Law
Newton's 3rd Law
Connecting the laws together

Newton's 1st Law of Motion States...

An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force


Newton's Second Law of Motion states...

The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied


Newton's 3rd Law of motion states...

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction


Newton's 3 Laws of Motion help us explain how _____ act upon one another



What is force measured in?

Newtons (N)


Newton's 1st Law states that there are 2 "natural" states that an object tends to be in. These two states are... 

Rest and Constant Velocity (speed)


What formula is commonly associated with Newton's Second Law?

Force = Mass x Acceleration


How can Newton’s laws be used to explain how rockets are launched into space?

When the rocket expels gas and flame with a specific amount of force, the rocket will move in the opposite direction with the same amount of force.


Fill in the blanks: When a car is involved in a crash, the person in the driver's seat keeps moving when car stops due to _____. The person is kept in their seat by the seatbelt according to Newton's _____ Law. 

Inertia; 3rd


_____ is the tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion.



While on a sled, Taylor went through a thick patch of snow. The sled stopped in the snow, but Taylor fell forward off the sled. Taylor kept moving forward due to _____.



What formula can we use to find the velocity of an object?



A fish is swimming in the ocean. What is the action and reaction force in this scenario? 

Action Force: Fish pushes on water (to move)

Reaction Force: Water pushes back on fish 


An action force occurs as a car pulls a trailer down the road. Newton's 3rd Law tells us that the forces between the trailer are _____ and _____. Newton's 1st Law tells us that the forces are also _____.





Gravitational acceleration is equal to ______ m/s^2

9.8 or 10


What is another name for the first law of motion? Why is it given that name?

The Law of Inertia

Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion until an unbalanced force acts on it.


What is the force in this situation?

A 1981 kg car accelerates at 3 meters per second squared.

F = M(A) = 1981(3) = 

5943 N


If two people are arm wrestling and person A uses 33.8 N of force and person B uses 38.3 N of force, what is the net force and what direction will it go?

Net Force: 4.5 N

The force will go towards person A.


A student places a book on a table. The student wants to know how much force is being exerted on the book by the table. What forces is the book feeling from the table, and which law tells us why?

The book is experiencing the same force it exerts on the table back from the table. So whatever force the book pushes down with is the same force the table pushes up with.

The 3rd Law tells us this because every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Action force: A coat hangs on a hook

What is the reaction force?

The hook pulls back up on the coat


Textbook A has a mass of 8 kg and textbook B has the mass of 0.08 kg. How much inertia does textbook B have compared to textbook A?

100 times less


What is the acceleration in this scenario?

A force of 35 N is acting on a mass of 4 kg.

A = F/M = 35/4 =

8 and 3/4 or 8.75 m/s


We have a group of people playing a game of tug-o-war. One side has 5 people pulling with these forces: 45 N, 35 N, 23 N, 38 N, and 41 N. The other side has 5 people pulling with the following forces: 63 N, 18 N, 22 N, 39 N, and 40 N. 

What is the net force and what direction will the rope go?

Net force = 0 N

The rope and people will not move. The forces are balanced.


A 500 kg spaceship is moving through space at a constant rate of 50 m/s. What are the net forces acting on the spaceship and which law tells us why?

0 N of force

The 1st Law tells us this spaceship will continue in motion unless an external force acts upon it, and there are no external forces like friction or gravity slowing the spaceship down. Only something like another spaceship, asteroid, comet, etc. could impact this ship.


Which of the following will use the largest acceleration? What is the acceleration?

A.) A 320 kg car pushing with 720 N 

B.) A 295 kg car pushing with 827 N

C.) 303 kg car pushing with 781 N

B.) A 295 kg car pushing with 827 N

It uses 2.8 m/s^2
