Laws of Motion
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F = ma
Which Law Am I
Definitions +

An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

What is Newton's First Law of Motion


Newton created ________ (how many?) laws of motion.

What is 3 laws of motion.


When a free-falling object stops accelerating and reaches its maximum velocity, it has said to have reached its _________   ____________.

What is terminal velocity.


A car is easier to push than a bus. This is an example of which of Newton's Laws?

What is Newton's 2nd law.


When an object is in free fall, the only force acting on it is __________?

What is gravity


This is the natural tendency of objects to keep on doing what they're doing.

What is Inertia


What century did Newton live in?

What is the 17th/18th century. (1643-1727)


In the absence of air resistance, how would the acceleration of a feather and a rock differ if the objects were dropped from the same height? 

What is they would accelerate at the same rate.


The slingshot was pulled back and the rock propelled forward. This is an example of which law of motion?

What is Newton's 3rd law.


The downward force exerted on an object due to gravity is called what?

What is weight.


F = M * A Force = Mass x Acceleration

What is Newton's Second Law of Motion


This is a push or pull (measured in newtons).

What is a Force.


With what force will a car hit a tree if the car has a mass of 3,000 kg and is accelerating at a rate of 2m/s2?

What is 6,000 N.


The dominos flew out of the back of the truck when it crashed into the books. This is an example of which law of motion?

What is Newton's First Law.


_________    ___________  is the curved path followed by an object that is thrown, launched, or otherwise projected near the surface of the Earth.

What is projectile motion


An object will _________________ in the direction that you push it.

What is accelerate


This is a resistance to change.

What is Inertia


What is the mass of a falling rock if it hits the ground with a force of 147 N? (think about what the acceleration should be....)

What is 15 kg.


You let the air out of a balloon- the air goes one way and the balloon goes the opposite direction. This is an example of which law of motion?

What is Newton's 3rd law.


A quantity defined as the product of the mass times velocity of an object is called what?

What is momentum.


Newton's 3rd law states this, "For ...

What is "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."


This is a force of resistance between 2 objects.

What is Friction


What is the acceleration of a softball if it has a mass of 0.50 kg and hits the catcher's glove with a force of 25 N?

What is 50 m/s2.


The baseball went farther than the basketball when your classmate hit them with an aluminum bat. This is an example of which law of motion?

What is Newton's Second Law of Motion.


What is the momentum of a 240 g apple falling at 14.0 m/s? 

What is 3.36 Kg * m/s downward (P = mv)

or 3,840 g * m/s downward
