Real Towns, Fake Slogans
Worst Movie Candidates
Simpsons Dissing Australia
Bryson Sez

Concrete, Washington, USA

What is "Treeless since 1982"


Ranked #1 on many Worst Movies list, this Ed Wood sci-fi film, released in 1957, contains the oft-quoted line, "All you of Earth...are idiots!"

What is "Plan 9 From Outer Space"

After a stint in the army, Poe briefly attended but was expelled from this US Military Academy.

What is West Point


Marge tries to order coffee but keeps getting this beverage instead.

What is beer?


Speaking about this animal in A Walk In The Woods, Bryson says, "If they want to kill you and eat you, they can, and pretty much whenever they want. That doesn't happen often, but - and here is the absolutely salient point - once would be enough.” 

What are Bears


Clones, County Monaghan, Ireland

What is "You're Welcome Here, And So Are You"


Adam Sandler plays both characters in the title of this 2011 film that managed to get a 3% Rotten Tomatoes rating.

What is "Jack and Jill"


In 1845, Poe published this, his most famous work.

What is 'The Raven'


Bart and Homer decide not to escape by jumping into kangaroo pouches because, unlike normal cartoons, there is more of this item in there.

What is mucus


When Bryson said, "The people are immensely likable— cheerful, extroverted, quick-witted, and unfailingly obliging. Their cities are safe and clean and nearly always built on water.", he was speaking about this country.

What is Australia


Aloha, Oregon, USA

What is "We're In Denial!"


Joining the handful of horror films about bees (The Bees, Killer Bees, The Deadly Bees, and The Savage Bees), this bad 1978 film is named after "a large or dense group of flying insects."

What is "The Swarm"


Poe is credited with first use of this two word term for a brief written work

What is 'short story'.

An Australian postage stamp with a kangaroo and an emu celebrates 30 years of this essential utility.

What is electricity.


In A Walk In The Woods, Bryson describes this creature: “Hunters will tell you that a it is a wily and ferocious forest creature. Nonsense. It is a cow drawn by a three-year-old.” 

What is a moose


Bacon, Georgia, USA

What is "We're Not Macon"


1953 saw Ed Wood direct and star in this sincere but misguided plea for tolerance toward transsexuals and cross-dressers.

What is "Glen or Glenda"


Poe often wrote with this animal on his shoulder.

What is a (Siamese) cat.


When Homer checks his inflated phone bills, among other far away locations, he is shocked to see costly Bart phone calls to this two word West African nation.

What is Burkina Faso.


"It is the only sport that shares its name with an insect. It is the only sport in which spectators burn as many calories as players - more if they are moderately restless."

What is Cricket


Broke, NSW, Australia

What is "Go Fund Us"


Santa Claus is kidnapped by jealous Martian children in this 1964 turkey - but Santa eventually conquers them.

What is "Santa Claus Conquers The Martians"


Poe attended the University of Virginia but dropped out due to these types of debts.

What are 'gambling'


Lisa accurately identifies what makes toilet water flushes spin in a different direction in the Southern Hemisphere as this force, beginning with C.

What is the Coriolis force


When Bryson said, "Never in history has a structure been more technologically advanced, materially obsolescent, and gloriously pointless all at the same time.", he was referring to this structure.

What is the Eiffel Tower
