True or False: All dinosaurs were the size of elephants
False: Most were the size of birds or dogs
True or False: Paleontologists called the animal who had this hand a T. rex
False: They called it a Deinocheirus
True or False: The Grimm brothers' fairy tales are read in exactly 200 languages
False: over 160 languages
True or False: This is a story of a family of 7
False: It is a family of 10 (1 mom, 1 dad, 7 sons, and 1 daughter)
How many letters are in the alphabet?
There are 11 letters in “the alphabet”.
Are dinosaurs warm- or cold-blooded?
Scientists are not sure
Where and when did they find the hands?
Omnogovi, Southern Mongolia in the 1960s
True or False: Study hard is morale in one of the Grimms' folktales
False: They can teach be good, work hard, listen to your parents
What did the girl do because she didn't have a chicken bone key?
she cut off her finger to use as a key
What has 4 legs, but can't walk?
A table
What is the speed they compare T. rex to?
an elephant (slow)
About how long do they think the deinocheirus is?
12 meters like the T. rex
What are folktales?
traditional stories people memorized and told again and again
How did the sons turn into ravens?
The father wished they were ravens in anger
What has 13 hearts, but no other organs?
a deck of cards
When and why did dinosaurs die out?
65 million years ago; the climate got too cold
Which modern-day animal do ornithomimids look like?
What is the girl's hiding place in the ravens' house?
Behind the door
The person who makes it has no need of it; the person who buys it has no use for it. The person who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?
A coffin.
How are pterosaurs believed to fly?
They dropped or flung themselves from trees because they were to heavy to take off.
Why are the scientists not sure about how the deinocheirus looked like?
They do not have enough bones to tell how it truly looked like
Who were the original Grimm's tales for, and what how would you describe the early tales?
They were for adults and a little scary
How did the raven turn back into humans?
the girl shows herself to the ravens(brothers)
I have a thousand wheels, but move I do not. Call me what I am, call me a lot.
A parking lot