There are this many big questions.
What is the number 3?
Something you read that goes against what you already know or what has already been said.
Can be used to set up a rebuttal.
What is a Contrast and Contradiction?
The 2 year experiment was run on this age of high schoolers.
What is a sophomore?
The author assumes you had prior knowledge of this.
What did the author think I already knew?
Words or phrases sighted from another source or voice of authority.
What are Quoted Words?
34 extra minutes.
How many more minutes did students sleep?
The information the author gives is new or it contradicts something you already knew.
What challenged/Changed what I already knew?
An amount or statistic that gives evidence that gives evidence for or against a topic.
What are Numbers and Stats?
Sleep tracking and activity tracking wristbands were used.
How was sleep measured?
The author gives information that you already knew/had prior knowledge of.
What confirmed what I already knew?
Words that can exaggerate meaning to prove a point.
What is Extreme or Absolute Language?
The change decreased tarties and students getting in trouble. It still did not change grades much.
What happened in low in-come areas?
The information the author gives is unexpected or shocking.
What surprised me?
The author uses a word that you do not know. Grabs attention and provokes interest.
What are Word Gaps.
The article is relevant at our age, and who doesn't want to sleep in?
Why did we choose this?