This team plays in California
What is 49ers,Rams,Chargers
This player wears 10 for the 49ers
What is Jimmy Garoppolo
What is the yellow thing a referee throws called
What is a flag
The team that won the most recent Super Bowl
What is the Los Angeles Rams
What are the two NFL conferences?
What is the AFC and NFC
This team won 1 super without Joe Montana
What is The 49ers
This player played 20 years for the Patriots and the past three for the Bucs
What is Tom Brady
A team starts on what down?
What is 1st down
These two teams have won five super bowls, and they are in the left of the United States.
What is the 49ers and Cowboys
The 49ers, Rams, Seahawks, and Cardinals play in this division
What is the NFC West
This team is the 49ers main rival
What is Los Angeles Rams
This Team is a animal team and it was created the first day of the NFL.
What is Chicago Bears
How many yards to get a 1st down?
What is 10
This team has won 2 super bowls.
What is the Rams, Colts, Ravens Chiefs
How many NFL teams are there?
What is 32
This team's name was before the Tennessee Titans
What is the Houston Oliers
The quarterback before Jimmy Garoppolo
What is Colin Kaepernick
If a player makes contact with another player, it is called...
What is interference
This team won the first two Super Bowls
What is the Green Bay Packers
Which QB has the most rushing yards in NFL History?
What is Michael Vick
Name a team that has not won a Super Bowl
What is the Bengals, Bills, Browns, Cardinals, Chargers, Falcons, Jaguars, Lions, Panthers,Texans, Titans, and Vikings
This player is nicknamed J Sturdy
What is Joe Burrow
What does throwing the red flag mean
This team had there franchise in the 1940s but joined the NFL in the 50s
What is the Colts, Browns, and 49ers
Name an NFL player NOT on the Packers, Rams, 49ers, or Steelers.