(Name this "Flop/Bust")
This flop was selected 1st overall in 2007
JaMarcus Russell
Josh Palmer
This player came back from battling Hodgkin's lymphoma and achieved 1st TEAM AP
Eric Berry
This flop got selected 5th overall after putting putting up 253 REC, 3,564 REC Yards, and 40 TDs in college
Justin Blackmon
Arizona Cardinals
Greg Dortch
After switching teams, the player replaced the starting QB, and beat the defending champs in a wild card game (2019)
Ryan Tannehill
This flop was selected 2nd overall and only played 3 seasons throwing for a combined 3,666 yards
Ryan Leaf
Miami Dolphins
Malik Washington
After having ACL/MCL surgery this player had 1,124 REC Yards and 12 TDs while also playing a major factor in his teams Super Bowl dub in the 2010s
Rob Gronkowski