Can we insure a home in Harris County, TX?
What coverage is required for financed vehicles?
Comp & Collision
What are the four non-negotiables?
Power of first 20 seconds, assume the bundle, explore objections, and ask for the same (assume the payment method)
What should we do with a Florida Condo call?
How long should you be in ACW after a call?
Under 60 seconds, but only to be used when necessary.
Can we insure a home in Connecticut?
No, closed for new business
How long must a person in California alone on an auto policy be licensed to be eligible?
3 years
When should you assume the bundle?
After asking if a customer owns or rents their home
What do you need to schedule personal property?
An appraisal
What program do we use to apply for PTO?
Can we ensure homes under the course of construction?
Yes, its a builders risk
What extra piece of information is required for verification in New York?
DL #
When should you ask for the sale?
Immediately after presenting price
What are loss assessments?
Coverage will pay the insured's share of any assessment charged against the condo owners by the association, up to the limits, when the assessment is made as a result of a sudden and accidental direct physical loss to the condo property or bodily injury or property damage.
Who do you contact for tech issues?
Tech triage
When is a homeowners policy applied to a townhome?
When the customer is responsible for the exterior/roof.
Can we exclude a spouse in California?
Give me a talk path for overcoming objections
When is a condo policy applied to a townhome?
When the customer is not responsible for the exterior/roof.
Who do you contact for policy/error questions?
RA chat
Can we insure stand-alone secondary homes?
No, must also ensure primary residence?
Can you declare prior insurance in New York?
No, prior declared insurance is ineligible unless returning military
Give me a talk path for bundling
Which coverage extends to the fixtures, construction materials, and supplies?
Building Property Protection
Who approves no decisions?
Your market leader or RA chat