You need to give care to the right person
what is identifying the patient
don't do this when disposing a needle
what is recapping a needle
what is the radial pulse
expected paper speed for an EKG
what is 25 mm/sec
A PCT sustained a needlestick injury, what is the first action that should be taken
what is wash the sight with an antimicrobial soap and water
fire has started in the hospital
what is rescue
put this on before donning gloves
what is a gown
normal blood sugar range
what is 70 - 110
where should lead V5 be placed
what is on the anterior axillary line
the minimum time for washing hands
what is 20 seconds
cannot be used during a fire rescue
what is an elevator
should be done after taking off gloves
what is washing your hands.
10:35 in military time
what is 2235
represents ventricular depolarization
what is the QRS interval
what piece of PPE should be removed first
what are gloves
what is the last step when using a fire exting hire
what is sweep
for PPE to be effective for the individual wearing it this is critical
360mls of urine
the six leads that are placed on the patients chest for a standard EKG
what are precordial leads
knowledge of right and wrong
what is knowledge of ethics
needed in case of exposure to bodily fluids or liquid
what is PPE
normal oral tempature
what is 98.6 F
the sac where the heart is contained
what is the pericardium
a PCT is assisting a patient to use a bedpan. what indicates the understanding of the standard precautions
what is performing hand hygiene and donning a clean pair of gloves