She is the youngest mom in our group.
Who is Nicole?
**Double Jeopardy Round**
They overflowed the jacuzzi tub in the hotel room on the wedding night.
Who is Paul and Sarah?
Names of the NHCC mom's with all boys.
Who is Amy and Christy?
I'm sure none of us are very fond of this smell but 6 NHCC moms all agree that this is the worst smell.
What is vomit?
(Kiley, Linda, Jen, Nicole, Lisa R., Barb)
This reality TV show mom's time on screen gave American's an awareness of the possibility of homeschooling their children.
Who is Michelle Duggar?
She has used the same curriculum the past 8 years.
Who is Mendy?
These two love birds are coming up on their 25th wedding anniversary!
Who is Jen and Matt?
**Double Jeopardy Round**
I think it's safe to say she has a child living the furthest away from home.
Who is Kim?
(Emma is in California for college)
Studies have shown that women who practice this self-care routine may experience increased circulation, are less likely to get an infection, and have improved mental health. Many of our NHCC moms agree that is a great way to treat themselves.
What is a pedicure?
This famous mom used her fame to help charities fund children's hospitals and bring awareness to the campaign to ban landmines.
Who is Princess Diana?
Only one of the NHCC moms was born outside the state of New York in Marietta, Georgia.
Who is Linda?
This is where Kiley and Mike met.
What is the condiment station at college?
This mom had the shortest gap between delivering two of her babies.
Who is Amber?
Morgan and Kendall are 14 months and 28 days apart.
Barb's girls Danielle and Bethany are a close second at 15 months and 8 days apart.
And I think in 3rd is Jenn's Elijah and Adelyn are 16 months and 18 days.
*Next year will figure out how the adopted kiddos factor into all of this baby madness!!
Her favorite book is a 100 year old book of poems by Longfellow that her Grandma left to her.
Who is Michelle?
Alberta King taught her children that the current state of the country was simply "a social condition rather than a natural order"
Who is Martin Luther King Jr.'s mother?
(Unfortunately, she suffered the same fate as her son six years later!)
Who is Amber?
My husband is six years older than me.
Who is Michelle?
On average, an NHCC family has this many children.
What is 5 children?
94 kids
18 families
= 5.2 kids each
(Nicole, Jenn, Kiley, Kristen, Holly and Kim ACTUALLY have 5 kids!)
After this gal has a long day of working, cleaning tubs and teaching writing she would love to diffuse some lavender, sit down with a brownie and a Starbucks hot caramel brûlée latte to plan a trip to ski slopes.
Who is Becky?
This dedicated mom of seven is also known for writing the Declaration of Sentiments for the Seneca Falls Convention as well as organizing the women’s suffrage movement in the United States.
Who is Elizabeth Cady Stanton?
2 of the 3 countries that Holly served in before she had children.
What is El Salvador, Guyana, Mexico?
This adventurous mom went horseback in paradise (aka the Bahamas) for her honeymoon. But just because you're in paradise it doesn't make you immune to hardships and getting sun poisoning was proof of this for her.
Who is Kristen?
This very fertile mother was told by her doctors she would not be able to have children. Long story short her first visit with the fertility specialist was rescheduled to an obstetrics appointment.
Who is Holly?
She likes train rides, especially in the fall, is a favorite pastime for this NHCC mom.
Who is Lisa P.?
This Nobel Prize-winning mother raised a daughter who went on to also win a Nobel Prize with her husband?
Who is Marie Curie? (Her daughter is Irène Joliot-Curie who won the Nobel Prize with her and her husband work on radioactivity)