Fluid and Electrolytes #1
Fluid and Electrolytes #2
Fluid and Electrolytes #3
Fluid and Electrolytes #4
Fluid and Electrolytes #5
Fluid and Electrolytes #6

How much oral fluid intake should an adult consume in a day?

What is 2500mL/day


If the pt is experiencing nausea and vomiting what classification of medication would the nurse anticipate the MD to order?

What is an antiemetic


Name foods high in sodium content?

What is processed meats such as hot dogs and cold cuts, fast food, frozen meals, cheeses, soups and juices, salted snack foods etc.


S/S of hypercalcemia?

What is deep bone pain, constipation, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, polyuria, thirst, pathologic fractures, decreased memory and attention span


Can I as a nurse IV push potassium?

What is NO NO NO


S/S of Metabolic acidosis?

What is deep and rapid breathing (Kussmaul breathing), anorexia, nausea, vomiting, headache, confusion, flushing, lethargy, malaise, drowsiness, abdominal pain or discomfort, and weakness


Explain what hemoconcentration is?

What is High ratio of blood components in relation to watery plasma


The nurse teaches pt's who have the potential for hypovolemia and their families to what?

What is: respond to thirst, consume at least 8-10 (8 oz) glasses of fluid each day, drink water as an inexpensive means to meet fluid requirements, avoid beverages with alcohol and caffeine because they increase urination and contribute to fluid losses. 


What intervention can we do to determine if tx is working in regards to ascites?

What is measurements of abdominal girth


S/S of hyponatremia?

What is mental confusion, muscular weakness, anorexia, restlessness, elevated body temperature, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting and personality changes


S/S of hypomagnesemia?

What is tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, neuromuscular irritability, paresthesias of extremities, leg and foot cramps, hypertension, mental changes, positive chvostek and trousseu signs, dysphagia, seizures


s/s of respiratory acidosis?

What is frantic efforts to breathe, moist lung sounds, absent breathe sounds in some lobes is possible, tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias

Later stages - cyanosis, a dusky appearance to the skin, mental cloudiness, confusion, disorientation, hallucinations, tremors, muscle twitching, headache, weakness, stupor and coma

Low pH inceased C02


What can hemoconcentration place the pt at risk for?

What is Blood clots, urinary stones, and compromises the kidney's ability to excrete nitrogen wastes. 


Signs and Symptoms of hypovolemia?

What is decreased B/P, rapid weak thready pulse, rapid shallow respirations, dark urine scant amount, warm flushed dry skin, dry sticky mucous membranes, weakness, flat JVD.


What is the best action to resore colloidal osmotic pressure?

What is initiate an IV of albumin (albumin pulls the trapped fluid back into the intravascular space)


S/S of hypernatremia?

What is dry, sticky mucous membranes, decreased urine output, fever, rough dry tongue, lethargy, can progress to coma if the excess is severe


S/S of hypemagnesemia?

What is flushing, warmth, hypotension, lethargy, drownsiness, bradycardia, muscle weakness, depressed respirations and coma

What 3 things do ABGs assess?

carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, and ph


What is dark concentrated urine indicative of?

What is dehydration or fluid volume deficit


Signs and symptoms of hypervolemia?

What is weight gain, increased b/p, full bounding pulse, moist labored respirations, cool pale moist skin, pitting edema, moist mucous memberbranes, crackles or gurgles in lung fields, dyspnea, orthopnea, fatigues easily, distended JVD


If a pt has a high sodium level what intervention should we implement?

What is a low sodium diet


S/S of hypokalemia?

What is fatigue, weakness, anorexia, anusea, vomiting, cardiac arrhythmias, leg cramps, muscle weakness, paresthesias

Severe cases hypotension, flaccid paralysis, and even death from cardiac or respiratory arrest


What is the major chemical regulator of plasma pH?

What is the bicarbonate-carbonic acid buffer system


What might chronic respiratory acidosis be associated with?

What is disorders such as emphysema, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis and COPD


What will labs look like with hemoconcentration or water deficiency?

What is elevated hematocrit level and elevated blood cell counts. High specific gravity.


What is considered postural hypotension?

What is a drop in systolic pressure of 15mm Hg after pt rises from a sitting or recumbent position


S/S of hypocalcemia?

What is vitamin D deficiency, circumoral paresthesia, muscle and abdominal cramps, positive chvostek sign, positive trousseau sign, mental changes, larnygeal spasms with airway obstruction, tetany, seizures, bleeding, and cardiac arrhythmias


S/S of hyperkalemia?

What is diarrhea, nausea, muscle weakness, paresthesias, and cardiac arrythmias


What are the two organ regulators in regards to acid-base imbalances?

What is the lungs and kidneys


Name some foods high in potassium?

What is vegetables, dried peas and beans, wheat bran, bananas, orages, orage juice, melon, prune juice, potatoes and milk etc


What is normal pH level?

What is 7.35-7.45


What is the normal potassium level?

What is 3.5 to 5


What is the normal sodium level?

What is 136-145


What is the normal magnesium level?

What is 1.3-2.1


What is the normal calcium level?

What is 9-10.5


What does having a nasogastric tube set low to continuous suction make the pt susceptible to? (ph imbalance)

Metabolic alkalosis
