Our last responsibility is to
The stockholders
Blue or black ink is...?
The only colors of ink allowed
What is the annual exercise reimbursement amount?
Why do you go to the front of parking lot to card reader and rally point?
In the event of an evacuation.
Must be visible on your person
What is your badge
Our 2nd responsibility is to
our employees
Single line through
Tobacco products (including vapes and e-cigarettes)
What is prohibited on site?
Closest exit
Where to exit in the event of an emergency
What is your password
What is the unambiguous date format
What is Employee Assistance Program?
The main hallway
Where to go in the event of a tornado alert
Must be locked when you leave
What is your computer
Our 1st responsbility is to
Our patients, doctors, and nurses
At the time of occurrence
What is Contemporaneous
Smoking, eating, and drinking alcoholic beverages
What is modifiable factors
All clear
What is the signal that it's safe to return to your work area
Eight characters, upper and lower case letters, number, and special character
What is password requirements (most secure)