Always has Candy on hand and very creative
Who is Stacee
Draw and Ride Motorcycles
Who is Larry
This person has travelled to Africa and also worked at Queen Street
Who is Jill
Favourite Beverage is Dr Pepper and she dreams of going to Disneyland.
Who is Alyshia
Favourite thing in the world is her little man and has a grandmother who is 103.
Who is Mary (little Man is named Juan)
Loves Sour Keys and Jimmy Buffett!
Who is Lisa
Favourite restaurant is Cracker Barrel and Favourite Chocolate is Smarties
Who is Danielle
LOVES Disney and Hugh Jackman and even met Hugh before he was famous.
Who is Justine
Loves Italian food so much they married an Italian and Favourite movie is Roadhouse the original
Who is Debbie
Dream Vacation is to Cross Canada By Train and a dog named Rosie
Who is Shari
Has beautiful singing voice and dreams of travelling to Europe.
Who is Sue
Best Vacation was visiting Disney with Grandkids and Favourite Actor is Jack Nicholson because their not sure if he is just crazy or just a great actor.
Who is Rhonda
Favourite Food is Rice and pickles and Dream Vacation is to Ireland
Who is Tracy
Was in a band in high school that played local bars and loves to visit family up north and go camping
Best Trip was zip lining in Costa Rica and is about to become a Grandmother.
Who is Andrea