What is Nicaragua mostly made up of? (ex. desserts, snow)
Mountains, Volcanoes, Lakes/Lagoons
When was Nicaragua founded?
September 15, 1821
What is the currency called in Nicaragua?
What language is mostly spoken?
Who is one famous person from Nicaragua?
Bianca Jagger
What is the capital city in Nicaragua?
Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba
Is a Cordoba worth more or less than one American dollar?
worth less
Where do the indigenous languages come from?
The Mayan Empire in 500 bcc
Who did Bianca Jagger marry?
Mick Jagger
Why is the capital city of Nicaragua, Managua?
What Culture/race was Nicaragua origanally?
How much is one Cardoba worth?
0.027 cents
What are the three other indigenous languages?
Miskito, Rama, Sumo
How many years is there a re-election for president in Nicaragua?
Every five years
What two bodies of water is Nicaragua surrounded by?
Pacific Ocean and Carribean Sea
Why did Nicaragua leave Spain?
The French revolution brought new ideas and weakened the government
Where does the name Cordoba come from?
The founder of Nicaragua aka the president aka Francis Hernandez de Cordoba
What is the most common religion?
Roman Catholic
Who is the current president in Nicaragua?
Jose Daniel Ortega Saavedra
What is the Mirador del Cristo de la Misericordia?
The worlds tallest statue of Jesus
What empire was Nicaragua apart of before it gained it's independence?
The Mexican Empire
When was the Cordoba created?
Where did the Roman Catholic religion come from?
Came with the Spanish Conquest
What is presidential republic?
A political system where the leaders are chosen by the votes of the people, whoever is elected rules all over the country there is no state gov.