this couple was called the vampires
alison and dominick
touched his hair a little too much and also walked weird
matt barrett
I had a crush on this person during the beginning of senior year
delcan moran
made the plans the day I dropped my phone in the lake
was in the band for show choir and in a controversy with a girl in a relationship
Peter Kwee
me and djourdy are friends with her
I had a hallway crush on this person until I realized they were a freshman
tony battaglia
tennis player who was suspended for hitting a girl with her water bottle
Diya Patel
who was in the original sister wives gc
kenny, alyssa, kaiden, kylie (maybe jordan too)
was a mother
julianne (i think, too niche)
person who sat last at graduation
QiLin Zhou
thought he was cute during show choir comp era
ethan warring
cheerleader who somehow got Ms Night for football
we went to this fast food restaurant all together during winter break
taco bell
was part of the crew for the first comp
Kaiden Shielfs
has a gorgeous girlfriend when he is a pee-er of the pants
james reed
huge crus during senior year that peaked during the play
volleyball player who wore a hairband like a twink
what color was each person wearing in our prom pic
kenny - white
molly - black
kaiden - blue
alyssa - green
member who was also in swimming
came back to school after being in juvy
Jason Greco
last girl I had a crush on before i realized i was gay
golf team player who has a niche girlfriend with a last name starting with A
gavin ferguson
who lost their ticket at nyc