What is Reproduction?
The genetic material from two different cells produce an offspring.
What is a Zygote?
The new cell that is formed after an egg cell is fertilized
What are animals that use external fertilization.
Sea Urchins
Sea stars
Several types of fish
What is the difference between the zygote and embryo?
The zygote is one celled and the embryo is multicular
What is gestation
The length of time between the fertilization of an egg cell and birth of an animal.
How much DNA is from the Mom and the Dad?
What is internal Fertilization?
Fertilization that occurs inside the body of an animal. A vast amount of Species do this.
Due to the fact that a majority of the animals that use external fertilization do not care for their eggs or newly hatched young what does this expose them to?
This exposes the eggs to predators in the environment, which reduces their chance of survival.
What is mitosis
cellular division
Phase one of metamorphosis
If animals Don't reproduce sexually, what is it called?
What are the benefits of internal fertilization?
Ensures that an embryo (developing offspring) is protected and nourished until it leaves the body
How does the offspring of animals receive the genetic material that allows them to develop?
Genetic material is also known as DNA. The DNA comes from the sperm cell and egg cell - 50% from the mom and 50% from the dad.
What two things to the embryo need when its developing.
nourishment and protection
Phase 2 of metamorphosis
Larva: pre-adult phase where newly hatched animal grows and develops
What is Fertilization
The joining of an egg cell with a sperm cell
What is the most well known male animal that gives birth?
Sea Horse
Describe the process of internal fertilization and external fertilization. Provide three examples of animals for each.
Fertilization that occurs inside the body of mom (in most cases) - reptiles, birds, mammals.
Fertilization that occurs outside the body, typically in egg form - jellyfish, clams, sea stars
how many embryos are their per egg
Phase 3 of metamorphosis
Pupa: Inactive phase where larva transforms into adult
What is Genetic Material known as?
What is internal Fertilization?
fertilization that occurs outside of the body
What are the benefits of internal fertilization? Why is this more successful than external fertilization?
Animal is more protected during internal fertilization because it is inside the body of the mother
Eggs that are externally fertilized have a lower chance of survival due to exposure to elements / predators
how many daughter cells come from one parent cell
Phase 4 of metamorphosis