Nicole has this scientific middle name —but with slightly less radiation exposure
Who is the Marilyn-esque woman who gave Nicole life (and possibly her sass)
Nicole is ready to cash in on this oddly lucrative body part
Nicole built this feline paradise to give her cats a taste of the good life
This is the number of times Nicole has mistakenly entered into a possible lifetime commitment
Once too many
This intoxicating spirit fuels Nicole’s best nights and worst decisions
This is the city AND state where Nicole spent her formative years
Rochester, NY
At times, Nicole considers finding a generous individual for this profitable side hustle
Sugar Daddy
The name of Nicole’s favorite cat, ruler of the house, and possibly the universe
Mr. Nibbs
What is Nicole’s type “on paper” (two or more physical traits required)
Macho man
Basically a pro, Nicole Hamm'ed out and played this sport at the collegiate level
This honorary grandpa doubles as Nicole’s favorite dog sitter
This is the name of Nicole’s future dream job and passion project
Puppies and Pilates
This is the number of years Nicole’s beloved baby boy, Chewy, has been living his best life
This handsome, hairy farmhand is undoubtable Nicole’s true soulmate (he just doesn’t know it yet)
Asher Lee
Nicole went full brainiac and earned an advanced degree in this subject area
Nicole is fairy godmother to this recent (HOT) roommate's children
This is the catchy Instagram handle that Chickadees created, then immediately forgot about
Broads, Brews, and Botanicals
When Chewy gets extra creepy, Nicole affectionately refers to him as
Chester the Molester
Nicole once ended a budding romance faster than you can say ‘Happily Ever After’—all because the guy was a little too obsessed with this
Disney Movies
Nicole’s next vacation includes an adventure with this reality-bending brew
Nicole’s extended family proudly hails from this scenic Canadian province
British Columbia
Before COVID set a dumpster fire to the world, this was the name of Nicole’s fitness empire
Total Body Pilates Yoga
Nicole teamed up with this company to turn her dog into a fashion icon
Eastern Mountain Sports (EMS)
The Chickadees rudely and hilariously dubbed Nicole’s last sexual partner this unforgettable nickname
Gay Cowboy