Name the famous breed of cows used on many ranches
what is longhorns
In Eastern philosophy, this term refers to the vital energy flowing through all things
what is Chi
This quirky slogan reflects the city’s embrace of individuality and creativity
What is Keep Austin Weird
What is Canada's national sport?
What is lacrosse?
This refreshing Texan cocktail, made with tequila, lime, and sparkling water, is a local favorite
What is Ranch Water
This essential tool, made of rope, helps cowboys lasso cattle on the trail
What is a lasso
This ancient martial art emphasizes balance and meditation, paralleling many modern wellness practices
What is Tai Chi
At dusk, hundreds of these winged residents emerge from under the Congress Avenue Bridge.
What are bats
Blending two cultures, this playful term might describe a cowboy with a maple twist
What is a Canuck cowboy
what is the most popular destination for bachelorette parties?
What is Las Vegas?
These rugged leather garments protect a cowboy’s legs during a cattle drive
What are chaps
A cornerstone of yoga, this Indian discipline focuses on controlling the breath to promote balance
What is Pranayama
This iconic street, known for its murals and local shops, epitomizes Austin’s charm
What is South Congress (SoCo)
Who was Canada's first Prime Minister
who is John A Macdonald
What plant is tequila made from?
What is Blue Agave?
Affixed to boots for both function and flair, these metal devices cue the horse during a fast-paced drive
What are spurs
Which vitamin helps with calcium absorption and bone health
what is vitamin D
Constructed entirely from recycled materials, this quirky landmark embodies Austin’s creative and ‘weird’ spirit.
What is the Cathedral of Junk
Celebrated for his vivid depictions of the wilderness, this Canadian painter captured the untamed spirit of the prairies
Who is Tom Thomson
In China, it is traditional for brides to wear what color
what is red
Between 1618 – 1619, what wiped out up to 70% of Native Americans?
What is small pox
what chakra is believed to be linked to the pineal gland?
The third eye
Students, alumni, and fans of the university of Texas employ a greeting consisting of the phrase
What is the most visited tourist attraction in Canada?
What is Niagara falls
Why are engagement and wedding rings traditionally worn on the fourth finger
what is Because, dating back to the Ancient Egyptians, it was thought that a vein in that finger led directly to the heart. Cute!