Nigeria is the _ most populous country in the world.
What is the yearly growth rate?
What does IDPs means?
Internally Displaced Persons
What is the percentage of chidren with limited literacy and numeracy skills ?
Options:55%,82%,70% & 43%
Name one of the densely populated regions
Lagos and Kano
What is the average life expectancy?
56 years
When was the National Policy on the Protection of Children?
Options:2006,2001,2022,2003 & 1960
Why are medical personnel's and facilities often over worked?
The demand for medical personnel and facilities often exceeds supply.
Approximately what is the total land area
910,770 square kilometers
What is the country's fertility rate?
4.38 children per woman
Which policy for immigration regulates visas, residency permits, and combats human trafficking?
The Nigeria Immigration Act (2015)
Give one effect that rapid urbanization has on housing.
Leads to overcrowding and the increasing amount of informal settlements or slums.
Describe Nigeria's population pyramid, and explain how it is good for their economy.
`The population is relatively young and well balanced between the male and female population. By having a relatively younger population their work will always be sufficient and their country would be less dependent.
Give 2 factors affecting life expectancy
High Infant Mortality Rate
Low Access to Healthcare
Prevalent Diseases
Name a policy that was used and explain its aim.
The policies were: the National Policy on Population for Sustainable Development, National Family Planning Blueprint , and National Reproductive Health Policy .These policies aim to integrate population dynamics into development planning, enhance family planning services, improve maternal and child health, and promote reproductive health education.
How does an increasing population affects the environment?
An increase in land and resource demands leads to deforestation, habitat destruction, and loss of habitat for wild life.
A youthful population is good, but how can it affect the country negatively ?
It creates a high demand for jobs and due to the population growth being high the economic growth wont be able to keep up.