Things Fall Apart
Nigerian Culture/History
African Culture/History
Historical Thinking Skills
Writing/Quote Sandwich
This character was originally from Mbanta, but came to live with Okonkwo's family as a result of an agreement between the two towns after a murder.
Who is Ikemefuna.
This ethnic group--who share similar cultural traits such as religion, language, music and dance live in Southeastern Nigeria.
What is the Igbo people.
Examples of these are: Kush, Axum, Sumeria, and Nubia.
What are early African civilizations and kingdoms.
This is what you do when you want to determine the reliability of a document and its author.
What is sourcing
This is an example of this quote sandwich part: Achebe writes, ...
What is a lead-in
The character who said this line "I am one of them."
Who is Nwoye.
This small object is shared with guests during meetings and ceremonies as an offer of welcome and respect.
What is the kola nut.
These were some of the items traded between different parts of Africa, the Middle East, Europe, India and Asia. (you must name at least three)
What are: gold, ivory, salt, copper, coconut oil.
Sophia was able to find an example in Things Fall Apart of missionaries forcing people to be divided through converting people, and then, found a quote from a priest talking about how Christianity blinded people to what was going on in colonization. This is an example of what historical thinking skill and makes her information reliable because of what.
What are cross-checking/corroborating and it is more reliable because she has two sources that agree on how religion divided people and helped Europe colonize. It is particularly reliable, because they are also two sources that are from different perspectives--one is from an Igbo perspective, the there from a British priest's perspective.
In this section of your quote sandwich paragraph, you should discuss what is going on, who is present, and if any important events have taken place in the book or article, when the quote you are using takes place.
What is context.
In Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo told his son Nwoye and Ikemefuna stories about war and bloodshed, and often wished his daughter would have been born a boy. What trait/expectation are these examples of?
What is hypermasculinity and/or gender expectations/roles.
This is the practice that was common in Igbo culture when men marry more than one wife.
What is polygamy.
Europe began to colonize Africa for these reasons: (you must name at least 3)
What are the desire for more wealth, the need for resources, markets to sell their goods, the desire for more power, the belief in spreading Christianity.
What historical thinking skill is being practiced here: Steve reads Bolivar's speech carefully, annotating and looking for specific words and phrases that he can analyze to show deeper meaning and understand what the speech is really showing about Bolivar's role as a liberator.
What is close reading.
Analysis should have these elements:
What is at least 3-4 sentences explaining the deeper meaning of specific words/phrases in the quote, it should explain clearly how the words/phrases prove your claim, it should contain at at least 2 inferences....
The reason that helped the British colonize in Things Fall Apart is demonstrated in the following quote, "He has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart."
What is the arrival of the missionaries, religion-converting people and dividing the clan.
The ekwe, ogene and udu are examples of what within Igbo culture?
What are musical instruments.
Europe began to colonize in this century: and created political boundaries in Africa in this century:
What is the 15th, and late 18th centuries.
This source would be ------------. Explain why. Maria's good friend Jon got into a fight with another kid, Pablo, over a girl. A week after the Maria told the principal that Pablo had just been angry and started pushing Jon outside of school, and Jon was totally innocent.
What is unreliable, because Maria is friends with Jon, so she is likely to defend him and not incriminate him. Also, she didn't talk to the principal until a week after the fight, so her details might be off.
This introduces the main argument of your paragraph and should be....
What is a claim, and it should be a specific argument.
This section of the text ironically goes against what? Explain "The story of this man who had killed a messenger and hanged himself would make interesting reading. One could almost write a whole chapter on him. Perhaps not a whole chapter but a reasonable paragraph, at any rate....He had already chosen the tittle of the book, after much thought: The Pacification of the Primitive Tribes of the Lower Niger."
What is Chinua Achebe's purpose for writing the novel, which included a desire to tell his people's stories, from their perspective, so there would be a balance of stories, and also to show that Igbo people, like any people, had a rich, complex and important culture and history.
In Igbo culture, the egwugwu, with each community member make decisions through consensus, demonstrating what type of government?
What is a democratic government, where all people participate and have a voice.
These are the consequences/effects of the Berlin Conference.
What are: colonies were divided up and borders were drawn that did not respect the different groups of people that lived there, so ethnic groups were split between borders, or lots of diverse groups were put together in a colony, and later country, which made it difficult for groups to be unified, and govern themselves.
This historical thinking skills requires you to consider the environment from which a source comes from---its historical time period, events that were going on at that time, and how these circumstances might affect its content.
What is contextualization.
This is the exact order of the quote sandwich format.
What is claim, context, lead-in, analysis, conclusion sentence.