Where did ellie gorw up?
How many people where in the cattle car.
How many gettos where there
were was the construction camp
what was his job in selection
pointing witch way they would go
what scrpters did Ellie study the most
Why did Ellie slap his father
To wake him up, to show the other people there he's alvie
How does Ellie descride the gettos
A nerrow crambed area
What were the two things they kept when they had to take their clothes off
blets and shoes
What did Mengel do most of his experiments on
what did ellie want to study as a kid
What was the lady's name who was screaming fire on the train.
Mrs. Schachter
Who ruled the gettos according to Ellie
neither jews or germans
what kind of gas did they use in the gas chamber
Zyklon B gas
when was he assined to Auschwitz
how old was ellie when he was deported
Could people sit down during the ride?
Yes, but they all had to take turns sitting down
Where was Ellies house in the big getto
in the back conner of the large getto
How many camps did Ellie and his father go to
2, monowitz and buchenwald
what was the name he received
The Angel of Death
what where Ellie sisters name
Tzipora, Beatrice, Hilda
Where did the train finally stop at in the night?
when was Ellie and his deported from the getto
may 1944
How long did Ellie spend in the camps?
11 months
what did he do with heads
kept them in jars