Figurative Language

"We were already accustomed to rumors of this kind [that told the front was drawing nearer to the camp]. It was not the first time a false prophet had foretold to us peace-on-earth…And we often believed them. It was an injection of morphine.”



Eliezer refusing to fast on Yom Kippur is symbolic of....

His rebellion towards God


Describe Elie's relationship with his father at the beginning of the novel? 

Elie's father was somewhat distant with his family and underestimated Elie's maturity


What genre of novel is Night?



A figure of speech in which inanimate or non-human objects are described with human qualities/actions



“When at last a gray glimmer of light appeared on the horizon, it revealed a tangle of human shapes, heads sunk upon shoulders, crouched, piled one on top of the other, like a field of dust-covered tombstones in the first light of dawn.”

What is simile

He helped Elie with his "mystical" studies (although his father told him not to bother with them).
Who is Moshe the Beadle?

Describe how the camps changed Elie and his father's relationship.

The camps caused Elie and his father to rely on one another for survival; turning Elie into his father's caretaker

This is what Elie wanted to learn from his "teacher", but his father told him not to.
What is Kabbalah or Zohar?

After Elie is freed from the camp, he looks in the mirror while at the hospital. Who does he say is staring back at him?

The reection of a corpse.


"But no sooner had we taken a few more steps than we saw the barbed wire of another camp. This one had an iron gate with the overhead inscription: ARBEIT MACHT FREI. Work makes you free. Auschwitz."

What is irony. 

He played Beethoven on his violin before he died.
Who is Juliek?

Elie begins to question his faith in God because...

Elie witnesses children being burned alive on his first night in Birkenau


What the men say/recite as they approach the burning ditch and crematorium. Akiba Drummer wanted this said for him.

What is Kaddish?


Soon after a march and another selection, the prisoners are herded onto cattle trains. Once on board, what happens to Elie's father?

Elie's father is mistaken for dead and Elie has to slap his face to revive him.


"MANY YEARS LATER, in Paris, I sat in the Metro, reading my newspaper. Across the aisle, a beautiful woman with dark hair and dreamy eyes. I had seen those eyes before. 'Madame, don't you recognize me?' 'I don't know you, sir.' 'In 1944, you were in Poland, in Buna, weren't you?' 'Yes, but...' 'You worked in a depot, a warehouse for electrical p a r t s ... " "Yes," she said, looking troubled. And then, after a moment of silence: "Wait...I do remember...'"



Who is Dr. Mengele? What is his nickname?

In charge of the selection at the camps. The Angel of Death


When the ghettos are first created in Sighet, what is the Jews opinion of them?

They feel positively towards the ghettos because they have a community of their own


When Moishe returns to Sighet after being taken by the Hungarian police, he tries to tell everyone of his experience. What exactly happened to the foreign Jews that were taken from Sighet, according to Moishe?

They were forced to dig mass graves and then were systematically executed and buried.


During his stay at Buna, Elie goes to the hospital because his foot is swollen from the cold. While in the hospital, Elie hears that the Russians are nearing the camp. The Nazis evacuate Buna and Elie decides to leave the inrmary and join the evacuation. What would have happened if Elie had remained in the infirmary and not evacuated?

He would have been freed by the Russian army a few days later.


The synagogue resembled a large railroad station: baggage and tears. The altar was shattered, the wall coverings shredded, the walls themselves bare. There were so many of us, we could hardly breathe.



At the end of Chapter 4, Elie tells the story of a young man who was hanged because he stole during an air raid. He says that no one ever cries when a man is hanged, and he happily eats his soup after that man is hanged. However, when a little servant boy if hanged because his master was a part of a resistance movement, why do the men cry?

The men cry because the little boy does not die right away and continues to hang by the neck until he suocates.


Immediately after his father's death, Elie feels...

secretly relieved


What does Madame Schacter hallucinate about, and what does her hallucination wind up being?

Fire and ames. The ames from the crematorium.


After the march, what happens to man of the men after they arrive at the shed?

Many of the men lie down in the snow and die in their sleep.
