Islamic Studies

If a triangle has angles measuring 30°, 60°, and 90°, what type of triangle is it?

Right Triangle


Roughly how long does it take for the sun’s light to reach Earth?

8 Minutes


When was the last residential school closed?



How many times is the name "Muhammad" mentioned in the Quran?

4 times


Using only addition, add eight 8s to get the number 1,000.

888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1,000.


The ≥ symbol, represents...?

Greater Than or Equal To


What is the chemical name for rust?

Iron Oxide (Fe2O3)


Name 4 of the largest empires in history

Persian, Han, Ummayad, Mongol, Ottoman, Spanish, Russian, and the British


Name four titles of Imam Ali (as)

Asadullah, Waliullah, Haider e Karrar, Amir ul Momineen etc..


Which word is a synonym for ‘famous’?

Nettle, Eminent, Droll, Ghastly, Comely, Peevish



If 5 chickens each lay an egg every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday only, how many weeks will it take to make a 30-egg omelet?

2 weeks (15 eggs per week)


Which enzyme is responsible for unwinding the DNA double helix during replication?



Corridors to Mongolia and Russia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh and India are a few parts of the massive Belt and Road Initiative carried out over the past two decades by what country?



Name 3 Shia Hadith books and their authors

Biharul Anwar by Alama majlisi

Al-Kaafi by Al-Kulaini

Al-Tahtheeb by Al-Shaikh Al- Toosi 

Al-Estibsaar by Al-Shaikh Al-Toosi

Al-Waafi by Al-Fayadh Al-Kashani 

Manla Yahdharohul Faqeeh by Al-Shaikh Al-Sadooq

Al-Khisal by Al-Shaikh Al-Sadooq.

Mustadrak Al-Wasaa'el by Al-Noori



They come out at night without being called; however they get lost in the day without being stolen. What are they?



Ali is painting a fence 100 feet long. He starts at the West end of the fence and paints at a rate of 5 feet per hour. After 2 hours, Zain joins Ali and begins painting from the East end of the fence at a rate of 8 feet per hour. After 2 hours of the two boys painting at the same time, Ali leaves Zain to finish the job by himself.

If Zain completes painting the entire fence after Ali leaves, how many more hours will Zain work than Ali?

6 hours


Ali paints for a total of 4 hours (2 on his own, 2 with Zain's help). Since he paints at a rate of 5 feet per hour, use the formula

distance=rate×time (or d=rt) to determine the total length of the fence Tom paints.


d=20 feet

Subtracting this from the total length of the fence 100 feet gives the length of the fence Ali will NOT paint: 100−20=80 feet. If Zain finishes the job, he will paint that 80 feet of the fence. Using d=rt, we can determine how long this will take Zain to do:


t=10 hours.

If Zain works 10 hours and Ali works 4 hours, he works 6 more hours than Ali.


What metallic element which is liquid at room temperature, was once known as "hydrargyrum?"



At the time of Prophet Isa, Palestine was a part of which empire?

Roman Empire


What are the names of the four representatives of Imam Mehdi (as)?

Uthman ibn Sa'id 'Amri, Muhammad ibn 'Uthman, Husayn ibn Ruh Nowbakhti, and Ali ibn Muhammad Samari


What is the only flag to not have four sides?



Michael scores a 95, 87, 85, 93, and a 94 on his first 5 math tests. If he wants a 90 average, what must he score on the final math test?


To solve for the final score:

Add the five past test scores and you get 454. Then set up an algebraic equation where you add 454 to x, which is the final test score, and divide by six, because you want the average for 6 tests now. You make this equation equal to 90 because that is the average Michael wants and solve for x:





What astrological occurrence causes the moon to align perfectly with the Earth and the sun and casts a shadow on a particular part of Earth?

Total Solar Eclipse


Name one individual who co-led the Cuban Revolution alongside Fidel Castro

Che Guevara and Raúl Castro


Name 3 conditions listed in the peace treaty between Imam Hassan (as) and Muawiyah

1. Imam Hasan (as) would hand over the rule, or government, to Muawiya provided he acts according to the Holy Book of God, the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (saws) and the character of pious and virtuous caliphs.

2. Muawiya does not have a right to nominate anyone after him. The rule would be handed back to Hasan (as) after him, or according to some narrations, it would be left to a consultative body ('shura') of Muslims.

3. The life, property and honour of the general public, whether black or white, belonging to Syria, Iraq, Tihama, Hijaz or which ever area, would be safeguarded.

4. The life, property, and honour of Shias of Imam ‘Ali (as) and their family members, will be protected and Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan is bound by the covenant of Almighty God in this respect and he will honour his covenant with Almighty God in this regard.

5. Muawiya will not take any open or secret action against Imam Hasan bin ‘Ali (as) or against Ahlul Bayt (as) of the Holy Prophet (saws) and he will not try to terrorize them anywhere on earth.

6. Imam ‘Ali (as) will be remembered with honour and dignity and he will not be reviled, according to some narrations, in the life time of Imam Hasan (as) no abusive language against Hazrat ‘Ali (as) will be used.

7. Muawiya will hand over the Bait-ul-Maal of Kufa and the revenue of Darab Jard (Darabgard) to him (Imam Hasan (as)) so that he may meet his expenses from the same and may repay the debt and other dues.


A watch, a laptop, and a purse are stolen by three different thieves. The three suspects are apprehended, and we know each stole one of the items, but we don’t know who stole what.

  • A: “C stole the laptop.”

  • B: “C stole the purse.”

  • C: “I did not steal the laptop or the purse.”

You also learn that the watch thief lied and the laptop thief told the truth.

Who stole which item?

A stole the watch, B stole the laptop, and C stole the purse.


  • A cannot be the laptop thief, because the laptop thief told the truth, and A claims C is the laptop thief, which would be a contradiction.

  • C cannot be the laptop thief, because the laptop thief told the truth, and C claims to not be the laptop thief, which would be a contradiction.

  • Therefore B is the laptop thief.

  • Since the laptop thief told the truth, then C is the purse thief.

  • This leaves A to be the watch thief.
