Elie's teacher of Jewish mysticism
Who is Mosche the Beadle?
The study of Jewish mysticism
What is Kabbalah?
Elie's home town
What is Sighet?
Night is a symbol and a ________ for the holocaust
What is a metaphor?
Night is written in this point of view
What is first person?
A woman from Sighet who foreshadows the furnaces
Who is Madame Schacter?
The act of not caring or showing empathy
What is indifference?
the receiving camp for Auschwitz (the first camp Elie goes)
What is Birkenau?
"The SS offered us a beautiful present for the New Year." This is an example of _______ irony.
What is verbal?
Elie did not speak about his experiences in the camps for _____ years.
What is ten?
A musician who plays the violin
Who is Juliek?
To be set free
What is liberated?
The prisoner run many miles to this camp in dangerously cold temperatures
What is Gleiwitz?
"I no longer dared to believe that he could still elude Death." (notice "Death" is capitalized.)
What is personification?
Elie received this prestigious award in 1986.
What is the Nobel Peace Prize?
His son abandon's him on the march to Gleiwitz
Who is Rabbi Eliahou?
Ran the concentration camps
Who were the SS?
Elie loses his gold crown here
What is Buna?
"Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever. Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which deprived me of the desire to live. Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if I m condemned to lives as long as God himself. Never."
anaphora (also parallelism)
Dehumanization is a ___________ present throughout the memoir.
What is motif?
A relative from Antwerp to who Elie lies about his wife and children being ok
Who is Stein?
This term refers to the ill-treatment and hatred toward the Jewish population
What is Anti- Semitism?
Elie is liberated from this camp
What is Buchenwald?
"I found out years later that the camp was liberated two days later" is an example of this.
What is a flash forward?
Witnessing the death of this child sealed Elie's loss of faith
What is the piple?