The first setting that Elie and his family lived at
What is Sighet Transylvania?
The person who first let Elie and his family know something was wrong
What is Moshie the Beadle?
The time period that the whole book was held in
What is WW2?
The reason for WWII
What is the terms of the Treaty of Versailles following World War I?
True or False Elie Wiesel won the Nobel Peace Prize
What is true?
The place where Elie and his family got moved to after the Nazis arrived
What is the Ghettos?
The main character in the book Night
What is Elie Wiesel?
The original language the book was written in
What is Yiddish?
The name of the German leader at the time of WWII
What is Adolf Hitler?
Elie Wiesel's date of death
What is July 2, 2016?
The place where most of the book is held in
What is the concentration camps?
The name of the father in the book
What is Shlomo?
The date that the book was written in English
What is 1960?
The date America entered WWII
What is December 8, 1941?
Elie Wiesel's date of birth
What is September 30, 1928?
The place where Elie and his father met the woman named Mrs. Schachter
What is the cattle cars?
The name of the Kapo that Elie worked under in the warehouse
What is Idek?
The quote that is considered the most powerful quote from the book
What is "Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed... Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust."?
The date Pearl Harbor happened
What is December 7, 1941?
The date that Elie Wiesel gave his acceptance speech
What is December 10, 1986?
The place where the book ends
What is the Concentration camp called Buchenwald?
The woman who screamed that she saw fire in the cattle car
What is Mrs. Schachter?
True or False the book is called Night because Elie arrives at the concentration camps at night
What is true?
The date that WWII ended
What is September 2, 1945?
The number of books that Elie Wiesel wrote
What is 65 books?