NIOSH stands for?
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
The metric system is sometimes referred to as the:
International System of Units
These are the divisions and spaces on a rule.
How would you say 1.245 in machining language?
One inch, two hundred forty-five thousandths or one inch, two-forty-five
This is as a strategy of steps needed to perform a machining operation or operations.
Process Plan
What is the most common type of PPE?
Eye protection
Which is bigger: 7/32 or 1/4
A combination set includes:
Blade, square head, center head, and protractor head
This is a flat surface that is used as an accurate reference surface with other precision tools to aid with some measurement tasks.
Surface Plate
This is a sophisticated method for tracking variation in sizes of machined parts.
Statistical process control
These devices are used to prevent powering up equipment.
The decimal equivalent of 1/8 is?
This tool is used to measure angles and has two sets of one-degree graduations to allow measurement from both sides:
This type of measuring tool contains a main scale and a secondary sliding scale which is called the:
Vernier scale
This tells what dimensions to observe and what measuring tools
Inspection plan
Hazardous material information is contained in this document.
SDS Safety Data Sheet
How many millimeters are in one inch?
A die maker's square is hybrid between what?
A square and a protractor
This is a precision measuring tool that uses a very accurate screw thread to perform measurement.
This graphs the average size or mean size.
X-bar chart
Class D fires include:
Combustible metals usually found in industry
Each of the values of sine, cosine, and tangent are ratios between the lengths of two sides of a right triangle. These ratios can be remembered using this phrase:
These tools are used to check outside corner and inside corner radii.
Radius and fillet gages
The process of sticking two gage blocks together is known as?
This shows the amount of variation of each sampling.
R-chart or range chart