Fire Ninja
What season was the City of Ouroborus introduced?
Season 1/Rise of the Snakes
What is Cole's dragon's name from Season 1?
Grand Sensei of the Mojo Dojo, introduced in Season 2
The Master of Sound
Embodiment of evil
What season did Garmadon's evil form return?
Season 8/Sons of Garmadon
What did the dragons combine into at the end of Season 1?
The Ultradragon
The greedy ally and enemy to the ninja who has batman-like weapons and inventions he uses when bounty hunting, introduced in Season 5
In universe actor Cliff Gordon portrayed what character?
Fritz Donegan
Leader of the Nindroids in Season 3
General Cryptor
What was the name of Season 11?
Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu
Zane's dragon from Season 1
Hypnobrai, Fangpyre, Anacondrai, Constrictai, Venomari
Two faced pirate thief that can do spinjitzu
What season introduced Kapaau and Chope?
Season 4/Tournament of Elements
The small dragon introduced in Episode 1 of Dragons Rising that became a main part of the cast
Younger Time Twin
Sora's real name (the dragon)
Hardest Fangpyre name to pronounce
What was the name of the main villain of Season 14, Seabound that overthrew a monarchy?
Prince Kaalmar
The dragon in Season 9/Hunted that was defeated by Kai, Zane, and Jay in the arena in the second episode. (bonus points for the name of the arena)
Slab, The Pit
Has stopped appearing in more recent seasons, but was a frequent joke character in seasons 1 and 2
The Mailman
In Day of the Departed, which of the revived villains attacked each ninja?
1. Chen attacks Kai and Nya
2. Samukai attacks Jay
3. Cryptor attacks Zane
4. Kozu attacks Dareth
5. Morro doesn't attack anyone
Who attacks Cole, and what is his weapon called?