What part of the Earth is Nitrogen mostly found in?
In the air
What do plants need Nitrogen for?
To grow big and strong
What helps nitrogen go back into the soil
Bacteria and worms
How do animals get nitrogen
By eating plants
What is the nitrogen cycle
It’s how nitrogen moves from the air, to plants, to animals, to the soil, and back to the air
Can we see Nitrogen in the air?
No, it is invisible
Where do plants get their Nitrogen from?
From the soil
When plants and animals die, what happens to the nitrogen
It goes back into the soil
What happens when animals eat plants
They get Nitrogen from the plants
What can you do to help nitrogen in the environment
Plant trees, take care of nature, and help keep the soil healthy
Can plants get Nitrogen from the air?
No, They need help from bacteria
Why is Nitrogen important to the soil
It helps plants grow
Do animals get nitrogen from the air
No they get it from plants
What happens when plants and animals die
Their nitrogen goes back into the soil and air