The color of a nitrous tank
What is blue
Fill in the blank.
At room temperature, nitrous oxide is stored in tanks as a _______.
What is liquid
#10 in this image
What is the flowmeter
This system is designed to pick up excess gases
What is the scavenging system
The number of documented cases of an allergic reaction to nitrous oxide
What is 0
Another common name for nitrous oxide
What is laughing gas
The chemical formula for nitrous oxide
What is N2O
#2 in this image
What is the fail-safe
This system is designed to automatically turn off nitrous oxide supply when oxygen delivery is compromised or depleted
What is the fail-safe system
The minutes it typically takes for the effects of nitrous oxide to wear off
What is 3-5 minutes
Nitrous oxide is commonly administered through this device that fits into the patient's nose
What is a nasal mask/nasal hood
Nitrous oxide is primarily eliminated through this organ
What is the lungs
#6 in this image
What is the check-valve
This system is designed to prevent using the incorrect type of gas
What is the pin-index system
Fill in the blank.
As soon as the procedure is finished and nitrous oxide is terminated, oxygen should be administered for at least _______ minutes.
Nitrous oxide is often mixed with this gas for better effectiveness in sedation
What is oxygen
Nitrous oxide is odorless, tasteless, and ______
(Fill in the blank)
#8 in this image
What is the oxygen-flush-button
This system is designed to act as a holding chamber for the nitrous oxide and oxygen gas mixture
What is the reservoir system
Fill in the blank.
When nitrous oxide is administered, the concentration of oxygen should never fall below ______%
What is 30%
Although nitrous oxide is often considered safe, excessive exposure can cause this condition, which affects the body's ability to absorb oxygen
What is hypoxia
Nitrous oxide was first discovered by this English scientist
Who is Joseph Priestly
#7 in this image
What is the positive-on-off-switch
This system is designed to deliver a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen only when the patient inhales
What is the demand system
(Hint: Multiply the patient's tidal volume by the patient's respiratory rate per minute)
What is 6,000