What division is New Jersey state board of cosmetology/hairstyling fall under?
Division of consumer affairs
How many members are consisting of the board of Cosmetology / Hairstyling ?
13 members
How old must the applicant for license for cosmetology/hairstyling, skin care, manicurist must be?
At least 17
What is the expiration date of the student permit?
Only valid while attending school
What must be on a license?
Signature and current photo
When is a student permit issued?
Accumulation of 600 hours (cosmo)
How many times do the board members meet?
6 times per year
What is the expiration date of license for Cosmo/Hairstyling, Beautician, Barbering, Skin Care, Manicurist, and Teacher?
Expire on Sept 30 every 2 years
When is a license not restored?
When it is REVOKED
How often should the water and cleaning solutions of ultrasonic unit be changed?
Whenever visibly soiled or at least once a day with 70% isopropyl alcohol
What department does New Jersey State Board of Cosmetology/Hairstyling fall under ?
Department of Law and Public Safety
How many years of term shall the governor appoint each member?
Three years
What is the expiration date on shop licenses?
July 31 every two years
What does OSHA stand for and what do they do?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, they are responsible for health and safety in the workplace
How do you apply for licensed restoration?
appear in person at the board's office with two forms of ID, a required fee and a notarized affidavit indication of the circumstance under which the license was lost or destroyed
what does EPL stand for?
experience practicing licensee
how many times must you fill out an application form and when?
three times upon registration
List all prohibited practices
credo blade, skin scraper, lancet, massaging, stimulating skin or working on skin below the stratum corneum, Botox, ear handling, skin tag removal, teeth whitening, tattooing
what massage services do not fall within the definitions of cosmetology
Shiatsu, sports massage, therapy, chiropractic
what is M.S.D.S?
material safety data sheet, which are information sheets that must be provided by the manufacturer for all hazardous products
what are the penalties for the first violation and the second violation?
no more than $10,000 for the first violation and no more than $20,000 for the second and each after
Example formula used for a vapor fumigant
1/2 teaspoon borax and 1/2 teaspoon formalin
Equal parts
List the physical requirements for a shop license
1. All licensed premises shall contain not less than three 350 sq ft additional 50 sq ft for every workstation.
2. One lavatory with toilet, handwashing facilities, and a door
3. One shampoo basin with hot and cold, running water and a reclining chair
4. A dry sterilizer for each workstation
5. A wet sterilizer for each workstation
6. Closed container for clean linens
7. Close container for soiled linens
8. A hair drying facility
9. A dispensary
10. One ultrasonic unit, cleaning metal implements and tools
11. Equipment necessary to provide those services offered by the shop in a safe and sanitary manner
12. Display a permanent sign indicating the name of the shop visible to the public from the outside
What is a prohibited product used in licensed premises or school of cosmetology?
Any product that contains methyl, methacrylate, monomer, MMA and styptic pencil
when do you need to submit physician certificate to the board?
two times your student permit and temporary practical permit