As brand new college scholars you will have to navigate several experiences while adjusting to college; the first is separation, the next transition and the last is incorporation.
What are the stages of college matriculation?
Areas of concern are of finance, academic, social and personal.
What are the categories of expectation for new scholars?
There are essential guidelines in college just like there are guidelines everywhere.
What is playing by the rules?
Prioritize extracurricular activities
What is minimizing social distractions?
Exercising self-control and discipline when engaging in other pursuits (ie. working, sports, clubs, etc.) are essential because they have their place as it pertains to prioritizing as you pursue your academic goals.
What is managing extracurricular activities?
They are people who are there to instruct and guide but not hand-hold and monitor. They are also your academic advisors, and some of you who are in programs like EOF will have more than one who ensure you meet academics expectations of maintaining at least the minimum GPA requirement to be “in good standing”. And they will also include the new people you are meeting on campus, room-mates, new friends, classmates, etc. all of these play into a new and interesting dynamic you will have to learn to manage.
Who are the professors, the advisors, and people I meet on campus?
Results Focused
What are SMART Goals?
Utilize on-campus health services as necessary.
What is take care of your health?
Studies have shown that first-generation college students might have a more difficult time adjusting to college because their parents do not have first-hand experience dealing with the demands of college life.
What is adjusting to campus life (as a dormer or commuter)?
The support of meeting with your coach regularly is the heart of this program and one of the keys to your success.
What is one of the values of the NJAE scholarship program?
Participate in study groups. Meet with professors or teaching assistants and apply feedback. Set clear, SMART goals. Track your progress and be accountable.
What are some rules to help achieve academic goals?
Writing centers, math labs, tutoring, counseling, tech support, etc.
What is utilize all support services and resources?
Upon arrival at college, many students reported feeling prepared to do well academically but found that they had underestimated the amount of work necessary to be successful
What is Making the Grade?
We also expect that program scholars will be compliant with all requests from us including the monthly obligation of submitting grade trackers and the twice-yearly requests for information when we need to review your continued eligibility. And especially meeting the progressive program cumulative GPA requirements.
What are expectations for continuation in the NJAE scholarship program?
Respect yourself and respect your room-mate.
Prioritize your time and minimize distractions.
What are some very important rules of conduct and character?
Never Plagiarize (learn exactly what it is and how to not do it!)
Resource site:
What is always practice academic integrity?
Number one challenge scholars face after getting accepted
Paying for College?
In this most unique scholarship program, the focus is not only on getting in college. The focus is on getting in, staying in and doing well while you are there. Well enough to set yourself up for success and have a job as soon as you are done.
What is the New Jersey Advocates for Education scholarship program?
Attend class regularly and take thorough notes while there. Complete all assigned readings before class.
What are two very important academic rules?
Always prepare for class ahead of time and do the required readings
Find a note-taking style that works for you and be thorough
Use technology to help (reminders on your phone, alarms, etc.)
What is developing and maintaining good study habits and practicing time management?