Intro to Triangles
Proving Similar Triangles
Similar Triangles
Triangle Inequalities
Triangle Sum & Exterior Angle Theorems

This is the side classification for a triangle with side lengths of 4 cm, 5 cm, 4 cm.

What is: isosceles


You have triangles ABC and XYZ and two corresponding angles are congruent in each. This is the reason they are similar.

What is AA~


What is 20?


True or False: The side lengths of 2, 4 and 8 form a triangle.

What is False?


On a map 1 inch = 50 miles. If point A is 7.5 inches from point B on the map. How far is point A from point B in the real world?

What is 375 miles?


Two angles in a triangle measure 42 degrees and 101 degrees. This is the measure of the third angle.

What is 37 degrees?


This is the angle classification for a triangle with angle measures of 37o, 90o, and 53o.

What is: right

In triangles ABC and XYZ, AB = 9, BC = 12, AC = 15. XY = 15, YZ = 20, XZ = 25. Are the triangles similar? Write the similarity statement and reason.
What is ABC ~ XYZ by SSS similarity

What is 24.5?


True or False: The side lengths of 4, 16, and 4 form a triangle.

What is True?


On a map 2 inches = 80 miles. If Atlanta is 400 miles from West Virginia in the real world, how far apart are they on the map?

What is 10 inches?


What is the measure of the exterior angle shown in the figure below?

What is 135 degrees?


These are the classifications for the triangle shown below:

What are: obtuse, scalene

In triangles ABC and XYZ, angle A = angle X, AB =10, XY = 24, AC = 5 and XZ = 12. Are the triangles similar, Write the similarity statement and reason.
What is ABC ~ XYZ by SAS similarity

In triangles ABC X is between A and B, Y is between A and C, and Z is between B and C. AX = 4, AB = 12, AY = 6 and AC =18. Are Triangles ABC and AXY similar? What is the scale factor? Must show work.

What is YES? AX/AB = AY/AC? 4/12 = 6/18 = 1/3 <-- scale factor


The lengths of two sides of a triangle are 8 and 5. This is the inequality that represents the possible lengths of the third side, x, of the triangle.

What is 3<x<13?


A model car is 6 inches long, the real car is 15 feet long. What is the scale of the model to the real car?

What is 1inch : 2.5 feet?


Three angles in a triangle measure 3x, 10x, 5x. This is the value of x.

What is x = 10?


These are the classifications of the triangle shown below:

What are: equilateral, equiangular, acute, isosceles


You have triangles ABC and XYZ and angle A = angle Z and angle C = angle Y. What is the similarity statement of the triangles and reason?

What is ABC ~ ZXY by AA similarity


In triangles ABC X is between A and B, Y is between A and C, and Z is between B and C. AX = 14, XB =7, AY = 20, YC =12. Are triangles ABC and AXY similar? Must show work.

What is NO? AX / AB = AY / AC? 14 / 21 = 20 / 32? NOPE.


The lengths of two sides of a triangle are 19 and 19. This is the inequality that represents the possible lengths of the third side, x, of the triangle.

What is 0<x<38?


Two triangles are similar. The smaller triangle has a side of 5 and a height of 8. The larger one has a corresponding side that measures 20. What is the height of the larger one?

What is 32?


The two interior adjacent angles are 86 degrees and (4x-7) degrees. The exterior angle is (9x+4) degrees. This is the value of x.

What is x = 15?


This is the word (always, sometimes, or never) that makes the statement below true.

An acute triangle is ________ equiangular.

What is: sometimes

It can be equiangular (i.e., all angles measure 60o), but it does not have to be (e.g., could also have angles that measure 88o, 32o, and 60o).


In triangles ABC and XYZ, angle A = angle Z. AC = 50, AB =25, XZ =100 and XY =50. Are the triangles similar? If so, write the similarity statement and reason. If not, explain.

What is NO, They may not be similar because only one of the angles given is the included angle. It does not fit SAS similarity. Only if angle X = angle A then they are.


In triangles ABC X is between A and B, Y is between A and C, and Z is between B and C. AX = 3 , XB = 1, and AY = 3YC Are triangles ABC and AXY similar? must show work.

What is YES? 3/1 =3YC/YC ; both = 3


In triangle RQP, QP = 15, RP = 25, and RQ = 13. Order the ANGLES from smallest to largest. Hint: sketch and label the triangle.

What is angle P, angle R, angle Q?


You want to determine the height of a flagpole. You have a friend place a small mirror on the ground so that you can see the reflection of the top of the flagpole. Your friend then measures from you to the mirror and finds that it is 3 feet. The distance from the mirror to the flagpole is 15 feet. The angle from the mirror to your eyes is about 15 degrees, and the angle from the top of the flagpole to the mirror is also about 15 degrees. If your eyes are 5 feet above the ground, how high is the flagpole?

What is 25 ft?


The two interior adjacent angles are 86 degrees and (4x-7) degrees. The exterior angle is (9x+4) degrees. This is the value for the exterior angle.

What is 139 degrees?
