This show first aired in 2016. Set in the 1980s, the show follows a group of teenagers as they navigate supernatural phenomena set in their small town. There is a hostile alternate dimension which is releasing monsters into the known world as the boundary starts to weaken and tear. The creators, Matt and Ross Duffer, infuse 1980s pop culture into this show with monsters inspired in part by classic Dungeons and Dragons monsters. For 100 points, Millie Bobby Brown stars this show on Netflix.
What is Stranger Things?
This king of Ithaca shares his name with a type of journey. Originally, he tried to avoid the Trojan War by acting insane, but eventually was exposed by Palamedes who placed his son in front of his plow. On his way home from the war, he meets and blinds a cyclops. Later, he shot an arrow through the holes of 12 axe heads to prove himself. For 100 points, this character is also known as “No Man”
Who is Odysseus?
This element was first identified as “noxious air” by Daniel Rutherford. Primarily existing as a diatomic molecule, this element is extremely stable. This element is part of the Haber-Bosch process. Further, this element is used to prevent unwanted combustion actions. For 100 points, this is the most abundant element in the Earth’s atmosphere.
What is Nitrogen?
For 100 points, who is the cadet LNO's height?
What is "Like, 4'9"
This show first aired on Nickelodeon in 2005. The story follows a group of teenagers on a mission to end a century-long war. Currently, you can stream this show on Netflix. There are 3 seasons, called books and each episode is called a chapter. This show was adapted into live action most recently in February 2024. For 200 points, name this animated series in which the Fire Nation attacked.
What is Avatar, The Last Airbender?
This demigod was the son of Danaë and Zeus. Because of a prophecy, he was banished from his home. He had to slay a monster in order to keep his mother from being wed to a king. He used 3 god given gifts in order to accomplish this task. For 200 points, this hero slayed Medusa.
Who is Perseus?
This element was considered inert by the ancients. It will dissolve in a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid. Among the metals, it has the highest electronegativity and electron affinity. Scanning electron microscopy often requires specimens to be thinly coated with atoms of this element. For 200 points, this element’s atomic symbol comes from the Latin, Aurum.
What is Gold?
What is Strawberry Acai Lemonade no Strawberry and Light Ice"
This show is an adaptation of a popular, yet unfinished book series. This fantasy series began airing in 2011 and concluded in 2019. Like many other shows, the ending of the series is subject to much debate as it went past the source material into its own story. The book series the show is based on contains 5 books as of now, with the show bearing the name of the first book in the series. The sword Needle comes from this series. For 300 points, Emilia Clarke, Kit Harrington, and Maisie Williams star in this HBO series.
What is Game of Thrones?
These monsters were a grave threat to sailors. These monsters featured in both Homer’s Odyssey and Apollonius of Rhodes’ Argonautica. In Argonautica, Orpheus drowns them out by playing his lyre. The Greek monsters take the form of beautiful women to lure sailors to their death. For 300 points, these monsters have a beautiful singing voice.
What are Sirens?
This moon is the innermost of the Galilean moons. This fourth largest moon is the densest and most geologically active body in the solar system. This moon is littered with other 400 volcanoes. Pioneer 10 first passed this body in December 1973. For 300 points, this moon’s features are named for characters in Dante’s Inferno and a namesake Greek mythological story.
What is lo?
Where did LDCR graduate from high school
This show tells the tale of two cities. Class conflict and family are themes explored in this absolute masterpiece of a show. The show concluded after just 2 seasons and 18 episodes. Each season is split into 3 acts of 3 episodes. The first season aired in 2021 and the second in 2024. During the Game Awards in 2022, this show won the inaugural Best Adaptation award. For 400 points, this show contains the masterpiece of a song “Ma Meilleure Ennemie”
What is Arcane?
This ancient Greek goddess was the mother of Aether and Hemera by Erebus. She was herself the daughter of Chaos. This goddess features in Homer’s Iliad when she saves Hypnos from Zeus’ wrath. This goddess appears in The House of Hades, the fourth Percy Jackson book written by Rick Riordan. For 400 points, this is the Greek goddess and personification of the night.
Who is Nyx?
Stacks of flattened, folded membranes make up this organelle. In this organelle, proteins from ribosomes are stored, chemically modified, marked with carbohydrate tags, and packaged in vesicles. For 400 points, this organelle is sometimes referred to as the “post office of the cell”
What is Golgi apparatus?
How many cats does senior chief have
This animated movie is adapted from a graphic novel by the same name. Released in 2023, the movie (and by extension the graphic novel) explores themes of acceptance. The movie stars Chloë Grace Moretz and Riz Ahmed. The plot follows a knight framed for the murder of the queen and his shape-shifting sidekick. For 500 points, this movie is named for the shapeshifting sidekick of Sir Ballister Boldheart.
What is Nimona?
This Greek woman features in yet another story of the hubris of mortals. She was from Lydia, a region of Western Anatolia. Her story was most famously told by the poet Ovid. Known as a master weaver, she challenged Athena to a competition. After weaving a tapestry that insulted the gods, Athena ripped it to shreds. She appeared in Rick Riordan’s Mark of Athena. For 500 points, Athena turned this weaver into a spider.
Who is Arachne?
This geological period lasted 60 million years. The first amphibians appeared during this period. Also during this period, a namesake Explosion rapidly diversified land plants. The period ended with a mass extinction event, one of 5 major mass extinctions in geologic history. This mass extinction mostly affected marine life, and at least 75% of species went extinct. For 500 points, the geological period lasted from 419 to 359 million years ago.
What is Devonian Period?
What hair color was the CO born with
What is Black