All the world is a stage.
What is a metaphor?
Write this number in expanded form: 976,231
900,000 + 70,000 + 6,000 + 200 + 30 + 1
Hook and Claim is in which paragraph of your writing
An introduction
Don't get bamboozled by shady street vendors.
What is tricked or fooled?
What is our favorite colors?
Ms. Tragale: Yellow
The wind sang. The trees shook.
What is personification?
2,500 divided by 5
Correct this sentence: ms griffin is the Best at scrathc.
Ms. Griffin is the best at scratch.
Listening to Drake is unbearable!
What is awful or painful?
What is our favorite subjects to teach?
Ms. Tragale: Math
It's a thousand degrees in here! Can we open a window?
What is hyperbole?
9 x 1216
L.A.T stands for...
Literacy Analysis Task
The medicine should help ameliorate the pain. Ameliorate means...
What is to ease the pain?
What month is our birthday in?
I can eat a whole cow right now!
Find an equivalent fraction: 6/12
Example: 1/2
What is another name for a story?
What is a narrative?
Mr. Freely is a cantankerous, old man who’s always yelling at us to get off his lawn. I hate his guts! Cantankerous means...
What is mean, angry, or bad-tempered?
How many years have we been teaching?
Ms. Johnson: 2
Ms. Tragale: 5
Her smile is as bright as the sun.
Which fraction is greater? 5/8 or 5/6
R.S.T. stands for...
What is research simulation task?
Everybody was enraptured when the roller coaster did the big drop. Enraptured means...
What is full of excitement, or gives intense joy?
What are our full names?
Julianna Marie Tragale
Olivia Nicole Johnson