Great Plains
General Knowledge

The longest river the UK is...

the River Severn


To the east of the Great Plains lies...

the Mississippi River


As a country becomes more developed literacy rates...



The person who began the European reformation was...

Martin Luther


Which of the following is a primary source?

A. A copy of Anne Frank's diary

B. An extract from a Roman Diary

C. A copy of a Roman coin

B - An extract from a Roman Diary is considered a primary source because it is a firsthand account written by someone who lived during the time period being studied. It provides direct evidence and insights into the experiences, thoughts, and perspectives of individuals living in ancient Rome. This type of primary source is valuable for historians and researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the past.


The point where two or more rivers meet is called...

a confluence


To the west of the Great Plains lies...

the Rocky Mountains


Madagascar has remained one of the poorest countries in the world due to...

French colonisation

disease outbreaks

isolation as an island

degraded land

poor farming practices


The British monarch that began the English reformation was...

Henry VIII


What century is the year 5BC in?

1st Century BC

The year 5BC is in the 1st century BC because the 1st century BC spans from 100BC to 1BC. Since 5BC falls within this range, it is considered part of the 1st century BC.


In a river, when rocks rub against the bed and banks wearing them away it is called...



The Battle of the Little Big Horn was a victory for...

the Native Americans

the Sioux and Cheyenne


NEE stands for...

newly emerging economy

Henry VIII closed all the monasteries as...

he needed money

he was broke

he wanted to end the Pope's power


If Mary was born in 70 BC and died in the year 5AD, how old was she when she died?

75 Years old

Mary was born in 70 BC and died in the year 5AD. To determine her age at the time of her death, we subtract her birth year from her death year. However, since there is no year 0 between 1 BC and 1 AD, we need to consider this when calculating her age. Therefore, we subtract 70 from 5, which gives us 65 years. However, we also need to account for the missing year 0, so we add 1 to the result. Thus, Mary was 66 years old when she died.


A domestic use of rivers might include...

washing, cleaning, laundry, drinking.


Native Americans' were forced to...



Fairtrade is...

a scheme that aims to help farmers and producers in poorer countries receive a fairer price for their products.


Mary I was given the title 'Bloody Mary' due to...

burning so many Protestants

True or False:

Lines of latitude are lines going around the globe from east to west.


Lines of latitude are indeed lines that encircle the globe from east to west. These lines are parallel to the equator and are used to measure distances north or south of the equator. They are also known as parallels and are equally spaced apart. The equator itself is considered the starting point for measuring latitude, with 0 degrees latitude. As one moves north or south from the equator, the latitude increases or decreases respectively. Therefore, the statement "Lines of latitude are lines going around the globe from east to west" is true.


Hindu's believe the river Ganga is...

the embodiment of a Goddess


The beginning of the end of the Native American was of life was due to the decline of...



The Tragedy of the Commons is...

a concept that describes a situation where individuals, acting in their own self-interest, deplete or harm a shared resource that is held in common.


The reformation caused ongoing affects in Ireland resulting in an event in the 1960s known as...

the Troubles


When did the last ige age end?

A.10,000 years ago

B.15,000 years ago

C.20,000 years ago

D.When Scrat sank Atlantis

The last ice age ended approximately 10,000 years ago. This is supported by scientific evidence such as the retreat of glaciers and the warming of the Earth's climate. The end of the ice age marked the beginning of the current geological epoch known as the Holocene. During this time, the Earth's climate became more stable, allowing for the development of human civilizations and the expansion of agriculture.
