The nominative case of filia, ae
What case is filia?
Case of "gladius"
What is nominative case?
Main clothing of a Roman citizen
What is a toga?
The central home garden
What is "hortus"?
Large river in the Roman province of Aegyptus
What is the Nile (Nilus)?
Translation of ubi
What is where/when?
Verb endings
What are -o,-s,-t,-mus,-tis,-nt
Article of clothing worn by almost everyone in the Roman empire; resembles a long t-shirt
What is a tunica (tunic)?
What is the atrium?
Modern day country is most represented by the Roman province of Hispania
What is Spain?
Form of bonus, a, um that goes with mater.
What is "bona mater"
Two words that mean because in Latin
What are "quod" and "quia"?
Standard footwear for Romans
Sandalia (sing. sandalium)
Roman dining room with three couches
What is triclinium?
Body of water known as the "mare nostrum"
Meaning of "nos"
What is we?
What is "hortum"?
Shawl or veil often worn with the stola by the Roman women.
What is the palla?
Private courtyard surrounded by columns
What is the peristylium?
Eastern Province known for its valuable trade resources such as spices and perfumes.
What is Arabia?
Complete the sentence with the correct form of "filia"
The girls gave the man a rose.
Puell__ rosam viro dant.
What is puellae?
Form of "amare" that means "y'all were loving"
Small round amulet that offered religious and personal protection to Roman boys.
Small office that hold the masters records and bookkeeping.
What is the tablinum?
The cities connected by the Via Appia
What are Rome and Brundisium?