Tell me the 3rd person singular present of the verb to be.
What is est
Give me the Latin adjective for angry
What is īrātus-a-um?
Who is the Roman king of the gods?
Who is Jupiter?
Which area is an island seperated from the rest of the Roman empire?
What is Britannia?
What undergarment was worn by children, slaves, and Roman men and women under togas or stolas?
What is a tunica?
Name the ablative plural of horse in Latin.
Translate the adjective and the word it modifies in this sentence: The man gave money to the happy girl.
What is puellae laetae?
Who is the Trojan hero who moved Trojans to Italy after the Trojan war, founded the Latin race, and who was his mother?
Who is Aeneus, and his mom was Venus?
What expression is abbreviated by etc. and means "and the rest?"
What was the Circus Maximus, and where was it located?
What is a chariot racing stadium in the Forum?
Fill in the blank: pater, ____, fīlius, fīlia.
What is māter?
Give me the dative plural of the word for I/me/us.
What is nobis?
Which Roman goddess converted Arachne into a spider after Arachne weaved an image that insulted the male gods?
Who is Minerva?
This region of the Roman empire is one of two countries above Italia and is located in present-day France.
What is Gallia?
What is a casa and a villa?
List the irregular principle part in the word for respond.
What is respondī?
How do you use vocative adjectives in 2nd singular, and what is the exception?
What is replacing the -us with an -e, and adverbs are the exception?
Which Greek hero defeated the Minotaur and became king of Athens after forgetting to bring down the black sails on his boat, causing his father to jump into the sea which bares his name today?
Who is Theseus?
This motto belongs to the Coast Guard and means, "out of many, one."
What is e pluribus unum?
What is the cubiculum?
What is the bedroom?
List 3 first declension masculine nouns and why they are masculine.
What is agricola, poeta, and nauta. They are masculine because those were generally male jobs.
Give me the 2nd singular accusative possessive adjective.
What is tuum?
Which hero killed his grandfather with a discus after defeating Medusa?
Who is Perseus?
This expression is abbreviated by N.B, and it means ____.
What is nota bene, meaning note well?
Who was the head of the family?
Who is the paterfamillias?