the English word for "pater"?
What is pater?
English word for "femina"
Room in which cooking was done
What is "culina"
What is Britannia
The Latin term for "master"
What is Dominus (domina fem)?
Latin term for "island"
Meaning of verb "habet"
What is "have"
Who is Mars?
What is Aegyptus?
Latin term for "forest"
What is silva?
Case of underlined word: Pater cibum filio dat.
What is dative case?
The option that best translates as "to walk"
- ambulo
What is the infinitive "amare"?
Type of toga worn by a Senator.
What is "toga Praetexta"?
Province which contained most of modern France
What is Gallia?
Two different Latin words for river
flumen fluvius rivus
of the children
Latin form that best translates to "we were"
What is "eramus"?
Small pool in the center of the Atrium that collected water
What is "impluvium"
River which separated Gallia from Germania
What is the Rhenum?
Pronoun meaning "y'all" in Latin
Which two cases are the object of the preposition "in"?
What are: Accusative (into) and Ablative (in)?
The 6 endings of the imperfect tense
What are "bam, bas, bat, bamus, batis, bant"?
Who are: Jupiter, Pluto, Vesta, Juno, and Ceres
The Sea to the East of Italy (the back of the leg)
What is the Adriatic Sea?