Translate the following form of sum:
y'all were
How is Daedalus related to Icarus?
What was Jason sent to retrieve?
Golden Fleece
Gallia is known as modern day...
How do you say "it is necessary" in Latin?
necesse est
Give the correct form of sum for the following translation: They will be.
Who did Jason marry?
Who did Perseus kill?
Which sea is farthest east from Rome?
Black Sea
What is the translation of "sine dubio"?
without a doubt
Give the correct form of the relative pronoun for the following gender, number, and case:
Feminine, ablative, singular
Qua (with a macron on the a!)
Demeter is the mother of which goddess?
Who is married to Penelope?
I just passed the monsters Scylla and Charybdis. In which sea am I sailing?
Thyrrhenian Sea (or the Mare Infernum)
While looking at the pyramids, what Latin phrase comes to your mind?
ars longa, vita brevis
Each student on the team must recite the present system of sum from memory in order to receive credit for this question.
Bonam Fortunam!
What three animals made up the Chimera?
Lion, Goat, Snake
Best Friend = Patroclus
Hector killed him.
I am north of Italy, south of Brittania, and east of Gallia. Which country am I?
How would you say "I like" in Latin?
placet mihi
Each student on the team must recite the chart of the relative pronoun from memory in order to receive credit for this question.
Bonam fortunam!
Hydra, Nemean lion, Boar, Cerberus, Atlas, Amazons, Stable
What is the name of the princess that Perseus saves?
I am an island, but I do not touch the Ionian Sea, and the Minotaur did not live on my shores. Which island am I?
How would you say "you are allowed" in Latin?
Licet tibi / vobis