A patient has 2-/5 strength in Hip flex/ext/and abd. What position would be best to work on this patient's sttrength to assist with the stance phase of gait?
what is standing or tall kneeling
According to the Optimal Theory of motor learning what these are 2 important components of motivation?
What is enhanced expectancies and Autonomy?
When a patient shows lateralpulsion this is the first response in sitting once the feet are off the floor.
Prop weight onto the pushing side.
This orthotic can be used with a patient who has an unstable knee in flexion and hyperextension.
What is a GRAFO
Geotropic, upbeating torisonal nystagmus that lasts 15 seconds with a right dixhallpike is indicative of this.
What is a right posterior canalythiasis
These are the two most important motions to assess to determine safety with overhead reaching.
What are scapular upward rotation and GH external rotation
This is considered normal ICP in and adult
During this level of the ranchos, patients may become agressive and unpredicatble.
What is ranchos stage IV
This speech impairment is due to muscular weakness
What is Dysarthria
This type of neglect is when a patient does not eat from one side of their plate
What is peri-personal neglect
This is one of the main goals of using a harness or permissive environment for gait training.
What is getting full load on the legs without an assistive device.
What tool predicts walking in 12 weeks?
what is the TWIST
When practicing a new motor skill, what is the test to determine if the skill is a learned skill?
What is the retention test
What is the Burke Lateralpulsion scale
This device is the BEST for foot drop from a recovery perspective
What is FES
A supine roll test to the right with geotropic nystagmus can be treated using this treatment.
What is a gufani maneuver
This is a commonly spastic muscle with the UE flexor spastic pattern that can make reaching a walker very difficult.
What are the biceps muscles
This ventilator setting provides every breath for the patient and a set tidal volume and if the patient breathes spontaneously they still get the same tidal volume set.
What is the AV mode.
These two stages of the ranchos mark the time where having the patient participate in simple problem solving is appropriate.
What are Ranchos level V and VI
This strategy may be helpful with a patient with fluent aphasia.
What is using gestures or picture.
This type of neglect is when a patient runs into objects in their environment.
What is extrapersonal neglect
According to the DOSE trial,This is the Minimum HRR to train at to see an improvement in endurance.
What is 40% HRR
What is the dose for strengthening a patient after a stroke?
what is 75% if 1 rep max
This EBP can be very effective for improving the temporal patterns of gait and gait speed.
What is RAS
This is a common assistive device we use when walking with a patient who is lateralpulsing.
What is a cardiac walker
What should you check before putting a patient in a hinged AFO with a PF stop?
What is Quad strength
If nystagmus lasts 65 seconds with a dix hallpike this is the most likely place the otononia are.
What is attached to the cupula
This is the most common cause of shoulder pain after stroke.
What is impingement
If a high pressure vent alarm goes off these are 2 possible causes of this alarm.
What is a blocked airway or a cough
This level of arousal is marked by intermitent signs awareness.
What is the minimally conscious level of awareness
This strategy may be helpful when communicating with a patient with non-fluent aphasia
What is asking yes no questions.
This test for neglect includes both paper pencil and begavioral components.
What is the Behavioral Inattention Scale
This is one simple way to measure dual tasking in the clinic.
What is a Tug Cog or Tug Motor.
What is one easy way to regress a sit to stand strengthening activity?
What is raise the table height
This EBP can be used to increase use of a paretic Upper extremity as long as there is active wrist extension and finger extension.
What is CIMT
What is standing with their heels against the wall
What is knee flexion moment.
This is the treatment for a anterior or posterior canal cupulolithiasis.
These two muscles in the lower limb are often associated with an extension spastic pattern and can make walking very difficult.
What are the plantarflexors and invertors
A person who has difficulty attending to a task while there are distractions can be said to have trouble with this type of attention.
What is selective attention
If this sensation is intact upon testing, no further testing is indicated.
what is sharp/dull discrimination
The gait CPG that is published is for this subtype of stroke patient.
What is chronic stroke.
This is one way to know if your strengthening technique is effective IN SESSION.
What is palpate the muscle being strenthened
This neuroplastic principle is critical to helping with motivation.
What is salience
This is a treatment strategy that can work with lateralpulsion or retropulsion.
What is using targets in the direction you want patients to go.
A patient 1 week post TBI has foot drop and you are seeing him for therapy. What device would you use at this time?
What is an ace wrap AFO
A patient has dizziness that is on and off for days but the episodes each last several hours and they have ringing in their ears. THis is the most likely diagnosis
What is menieres disease
This treatment for spasticity works by blocking the nerve transmitter acetylcholine and the NMJ
What is botox
After the patient can tolerate sitting up with the head of bed at 45 degrees. this is the next step toward getting the patient out of bed to a chair
What is postioning the patient with the bed in chair mode for 1 hour without any signs of distress.
This is a scale that can be used for patients in Ranchos stage IV to determine if they need medication to manage their behavior.
What is the agitative behavior scale.
What is a modified barium swallow test.
Difficulty with dynamic or static proprioception can lead to this activity limitation.
What is Poor balance
According to the gait CPG, this is the most important treatment variable to improve gait.
What is intensity!