The psychological test displayed in the above image.
What is the Stroop Test?
An umbrella group of diseases referring to progressive, cognitive and executive function decline.
What is Dementia?
The general brain region associated with vision.
What is the occipital lobe?
The term used to describe how, in a room full of people like this, you can focus on one particular conversation and tune out the others.
What is the Cocktail Party Effect?
The historical neurological technique this meme is based off of.
What is Phrenology?
A noninvasive form of brain stimulation where a magnetic field is used to inhibit neurons in a specific area of the brain, allowing for reversible lesion studies.
What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation?
A disorder where patients with amputated limbs feel painful sensations coming from their missing limb(s).
What is Phantom Limb Syndrome/Phantom Limb Pain?
A neuroanatomical area whose name means 'Horse's Tail'.
What is the Cauda Equina?
The tendency of a subject to, after receiving repeated aversive stimuli beyond their control, not escape from the aversive stimuli even if escape becomes available.
What is Learned Helplessness?
This 2015 photo led to widescale debates about the colours of its subject, resulting in new scientific papers on colour vision and bistable stimuli.
What is The Dress?
A type of imaging involving tracking and visualizing radioactive ligands.
What is Positron Emission Tomography?
The disorder the right side of this image shows the basal ganglia pattern of.
What is Parkinson's Disorder?
This part of the brain is often called the 'Master Clock' due to its governance over circadian rhythms.
What is the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus?
The disorder demonstrated in the following scenario.
'A patient has a screen in front of them that says KEY on the left and RING on the right. When asked what they see, they say "Ring", but their left hand points to a key on the table.'
What is Split-Brain Syndrome?
The meme this is a template for.
What is Galaxy Brain?
The imaging technique used to produce this image.
What is Computed Tomography?
A developmental disorder characterized by difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviour and interests.
What is Asperger's Syndrome?
The functions of the trigeminal cranial nerve.
What are Facial Sensation and Chewing?
The two theories of brain function that have battled over the history of cognitive neuroscience, with one side believing specific brain areas to be in charge of specific functions while the other side believed brain areas acted together to perform functions.
What are Localizationism and Connectionism?
The phrase censored out of the third panel of this image.
What is "ONE FEAR"?
The main ERP component used to determine which side the subject is paying attention to.
What is N2pc?
The first known prion disease, discovered in a tribe in Papua New Guinea whose practice of funerary cannibalism passed the disease through the generations.
What is Kuru?
The cell type that, together with two neurons, forms the 'tripartite synapse'.
What are Astrocytes?
The full name of a famous patient who, after a bilateral medial temporal lobectomy to cure his epilepsy, developed severe anterograde amnesia and became the subject of dozens of papers on memory.
Who is Henry Molaison?
The phrase associated with this image.
What is "Yeah, this is Big Brain Time"?