Movement from A to B
What is transportation?
The continuous improvement wheel, which consist of 4 steps going in a cycle.
What is PDCA?
The 2nd lean principle, which is also closely connected to the 8 wastes.
What is value stream?
The 'c' in cLEAN
What is 'current'?
The acronym for the 8 wastes.
What is TIM WOODS?
When you go to where the problem occurred
What is GLS (Go-Look-See)?
The definition of value.
What is the customer willing to pay for?
The two components and the two sides of the brain of cLEAN thinking way
What is cLEAN behaviours and cLEAN tools?
When more work is done on an item than required by the customer
What is overprocessing?
It is a visual management tool to track performance.
What is a performance board?
The 5th lean principle, which is closely link to PDCA
The lean definition at Novo Nordisk
What is 'lean means creating more value for customers with optimal resources'?
Wear & tear of equipment, repetitive strain injuries, or searching
What is motion?
A behaviour that helps solve to root cause by being curious.
What is 'ask why'?
The 3rd lean principle, to organize the value stream to be continuous
What is flow?
The year that 'cLEAN' was introduced at Novo Nordisk
What happened in 2003?
The 8 wastes
What is transportation, inventory, motion, waiting, overproduction, overprocessing, defects, and skills?
Template consisting of 8 steps to solve a problem systematically.
What is A3?
The definition of pull (4th lean principle)
What is the lean principle for 'triggering flow from customer needs'?
The current cLEAN system at Novo Nordisk that describes how we work to operationalise the PSQIT purpose.
What is cLEAN Supply System?