Who is Nick Venezia?
This operator acts like a supe and usually starts his system three hours before first pitch.
Who is Jim?
This operator establishes his visuals.
Who is Adri?
This manager auditioned for Chopped and is still waiting for a call back. Hicks!
Who is Jim L?
“Screw You! Go to hell!”
Who is Chris Francisco?
This operator is most likely to give the monitor the double bird.
Who is Josh?
“And that’s a goodnight from Pitchcast” or “Turner Broadcasting System” might be heard from this operator.
Who is Presto?
“I think Rob and Ben have the weirdest accents ever”.
Who is Jim T?
Tire troubles? This supe was an hour late after getting a flat tire.
Who is Tyler Harris?
This operator believes July 4th is the busiest day of the year for his “sub shop”.
Who is Scott?
Do you need a glass of water?
Who is Noah?
This manager thought Mac was a mute during the postseason.
Who is Sheets?
This supe is a little shuttle boy.
Who is Mac?
Watch out for clippings! This operator is most likely to clip his fingernails while sitting next to you.
Who is Gabe?
This operator is often compared to melting ice cream.
Who is DOD?
Thinks Sheets is racist for copying his accent.
Who is Simon?
This supe lays on his bed and sways his feet while flying around his Lego toys.
Who is Nick Venezia?
You might find this operator on feetfinder or at Charlies .
Who is Andy?
Dresses as if he’s on the team.
Who is James Sanford?
This manager is on the verge of a mental breakdown if someone calls out again.
Who is Alex M?