Act I
Act II
Act IV
Act V

How has Romeo been spending his days recently?

He’s been locked away in his room feeling moody because Rosaline doesn't love him.


Why doesn’t Juliet want Romeo to swear his love by the moon?

The moon is not constant; it’s always changing in a cycle from full to a barely there crescent. She says she doesn’t want to think that his love will be similar to such a here-today-gone-tomorrow cycle.


Why doesn’t Lady Capulet believe Benvolio’s story about the events that led to Tybalt’s killing?

She says that Benvolio is related to Romeo, so he won’t be impartial. She also is doubtful that just Romeo could kill Tybalt, because she thinks it would take 20 Montagues to kill a man like Tybalt.


Who is the first to find Juliet’s body and think that she’s dead in Scene 5?

The Nurse is the first one to find Juliet’s body.


Romeo spots an old apothecary shop that sells odd things, like stuffed alligators and weird looking fish. What does Romeo buy from this  man?



What are Juliet's father’s thoughts about allowing her to marry?

Her father thinks she’s too young to get married and would like to see her wait two more years. He also will allow Juliet to have a say in getting married. 


Why does Friar Laurence agree to perform the ceremony even though doesn’t think it’s such a good idea?

He hopes the marriage will stop some of the fighting between the warring families. He sees that good things could come out of this union.


In her speech at the beginning of Scene 2, what is Juliet looking forward to that night?

Juliet is now a new bride and she’s looking forward to her wedding night love-making. She’s eagerly waiting to lose her virginity to her husband


Juliet was supposed to marry Paris on Thursday, but what has her father decided?

He’s so happy that Juliet is polite and respectful again that he moves up the wedding date by a day. Instead of Thursday, they’ll now be married on Wednesday.


Who brings news from Verona? What is the news?

Romeo’s servant/friend Balthasar brings the mistaken news of Juliet’s death to Romeo.


What is Juliet’s reaction to her mother’s request? What does this show us about Juliet?

She says that she’s not really interested in getting married, but she’ll give Paris a chance, since that’s what her mother wants. This shows us that she’s a reasonable girl and an obedient daughter.


Which one of Romeo’s friends does the Nurse hate, and why?

Mercutio. Because he makes fun of her, calls her an ugly Mab (but not in those words).


The Nurse says, “Shame come to Romeo!” How does Juliet react to the Nurse?

She grows angry with the Nurse because she is criticizing Juliet’s husband. As Juliet thinks through which side to take (Romeo’s or Tybalt’s), it’s clear that her allegiance will fall with Romeo


What does Friar Laurence advise Juliet’s parents to do with her body?

He tells them to get her dressed in her best apparel and have her body taken to the church for her funeral mass. The Friar is anxious to get Juliet’s body sequestered in case the potion wears off early.


How many total people die or are reported dead in this final scene?

Four – Paris, Romeo, Juliet, Lady Montague


Why does Benvolio want to crash the party? Why does Romeo agree?

Benvolio sees that Rosaline will be at the party and he wants Romeo to do a side-by-side comparison of her next to other girls at the party. Romeo thinks there’s no way another girl could match Rosaline’s beauty agrees to go to the party so that he can stare at Rosaline.


When Romeo says, “He (Mercutio) jests at scars that never felt a wound,” what does he mean?

He means that Mercutio jokes about Romeo’s loving feelings because Mercutio himself has never been in love.


Why does Juliet want to believe the songbird she can hear is a nightingale, not a lark?

She wants the night to last so that she can continue to be with her husband. The morning lark, however, is the true source of the music, so Romeo must leave if he wants to live. The "wedding night" is over...


What does Capulet say when he decides to make sure the wedding party preparations are complete?

Lord Capulet says he will oversee everything himself. He says he’ll “play the housewife for this once.”


Who is present when Juliet awakens? Why doesn’t this person stay?

The Friar is there when Juliet awakens. He doesn’t want to stay because he hears people approaching and he knows he’ll be in trouble for his role in the misadventure. He runs away and leaves Juliet by herself in the tomb.


What two reasons does Capulet give Tybalt for not doing anything to Romeo during the party? What is Tybalt’s reaction to this?

Capulet tells Tybalt to leave Romeo alone because folks in town speak highly of the young man; he’s not a troublemaker. Also, Capulet doesn’t want to cause a scene that will ruin the party. Tybalt is scolded and swallows his anger, but he also says that his bitterness toward Romeo isn’t over and leaves the party.  


When Juliet says, “That which we call a rose / By any other word would smell as sweet,” what does she mean?

She means that Romeo would be wonderful, no matter what name he was called. Names wouldn't change what the object is, but it might change how it is perceived. 


Why do Juliet’s parents believe she is upset? What is their plan to help cheer her up?

They still think she’s grieving over Tybalt’s death. They inform her that Paris will be her husband and she should thank them for hooking such a great spouse for her.


Juliet threatens to stab herself while talking to Friar Lawrence at his cell. Why is Friar Lawrence compelled to listen to her threats?

He cannot convince her that committing suicide is wrong because he knows that she will also be sinning is she marries Paris.


How many people died in this play? List their names in order of their deaths.

Six people died. 1. Mercutio 2. Tybalt 3. Lady Montague 4. Paris 5. Romeo 6. Juliet
