For God so loved the world, that He gave His only son, that he who believes in Him shall not perish but _______.
have eternal life
the first high priest of the Israelites, brother of Moses (Exodus 4:14)
What son did Eve say God gave her in place of Abel?
According to 1 Peter, how does God judge man?
according to every man's work
In this parable, a father welcomes back his wayward son
The prodigal son
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not _____.
the first of the patriarchs, the father of Isaac and the founder of the Hebrew people (Genesis 11–25)
How many persons in Noah's family were saved from the great flood by boarding the ark?
In the book of Nehemiah, what were the Jews ridiculed for doing?
rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem
This parable tells of a man who is beaten and left for dead on the side of the road.
The good Samaritan
Though I walk through the valley of the ______, I shall fear no evil, for Thou art with me.
shadow of death
the second king of Israel and Judah, succeeding Saul: reputed to be the writer of many Psalms
What was the first animal that left Noah's ark?
According to 1 Peter, how is the ignorance of foolish men to be silenced?
by doing good
One parable uses the imagery of this type of small seed growing into a larger tree to illustrate the transformative power of God's kingdom, starting small but growing abundantly
You prepare a table before me in the presence of ________.
my enemies
the full name of the apostle Peter, a combination of his original name and the name given him by Christ (Matthew 16:17–18)
Simon Peter
How old was Noah when the flood waters came on the earth?
How did Paul describe his visit to Corinth?
full of heaviness
This parable discusses different types of soil representing different responses to the Word of God. It emphasizes the need for receptive hearts to receive and bear fruit from the teachings of Jesus.
The parable of the sower
You are dust, and to dust you shall _______.
a judge of Israel, who performed herculean feats of strength against the Philistine oppressors until he was betrayed to them by his mistress
On `day two` what did God do?
Divided the waters under the firmament
n the book of Joel, how did the LORD bless His people?
by giving them good things and destroying their enemies
This parable portrays God's relentless pursuit of those who have gone astray, emphasizing the joy of repentance and redemption.
The parable of the lost sheep