What does gdp mean?
What is gross domestic product.
Leading Cause for poverty
What is lack of Education
1 in 7 people worldwide are malnourished: True or False?
What is true.
What is the Poorest country.
What is Democaratic Republic of Congo.
As of 2011, food bank use was at the highest level on record, rising 28% over the previous 2 years. True or false?
What is true
Largest GDP in the world
United States at 22.20 trillion ( according to the Imf)
Which country has the highest poverty rate ?
South Africa ha the highest poverty rate in the world of 26.6%. South Africa has the largest wealth inequality gap in the world, where the top 1% of earners take home almost 20% of income, and 90% of South African earners take home only 35% of all income. The United States has the fourth-highest poverty rate of 17.8%.
How many thousand children die of poverty each day? (Between 10 and 40) ( 5 mile radius)
what is 22
Purpose of the IMF
Promote international monetary co-operation, facilitate international trade, foster sustainable economic growth, make resources available to members experiencing balance of payments difficulties
94,000 people each month access a food bank for the first time. True or false?
Largest gdp per captia ( PPP)
Luxemburg ( 112,875)
Purpose of the world bank
providing financing, advice, and research to developing nations to aid their economic advancement. The bank predominantly acts as an organization that attempts to fight poverty by offering developmental assistance to middle- and low-income countries.
What percent of what the world spends on weapons each year would put every child in school? ( whole number)
What is 1% or less that 1%?
Poorest country in the Western Hemishpher?
What is Haiti( gdp per capita of 797)
38% of those turning to food banks are [blank]
What is children/youth
Luxemburg( 109,602)
People living under 2.50 dollars
Almost half the world — over three billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day.
How many billion people in developing countries have no access to clean water? ( decimal) ( .8 mile radius
What is 1.1
Poorest Country in the MENA area?
What is Yemen( gdp per capita of 989 dollars and decreasing)
What percent of food banks needed to cut back on the amount of food provided to each household? (Between 20 & 80)
What is 55%
What does gdp nominal mean and what does gdp ppp mean.
Nominal: an assessment of economic production in an economy that includes current prices in its calculation.
PPP: GDP converted to US dollars using purchasing power parity rates and divided by total population.
Three main causes of Poverty.
Inequality and Marginalization, Conflict and war, Climate change, Nutrition, no or minimal access to clean water and hygiene.
1 in how many children live in poverty?
What is 2
How many low income countires are their and which one is at the bottom ( GNI per captia)
32 low income countires at the bottom of the list being Somalia ( 130)
What percent of adults helped are over age 65? ( 5 radius)
What is 7?