The locusts of Joel chapter 2 have teeth and jaws like these.
What are lions?
________ is the sleep of the one serving, wether he eats little or much.
What is sweet? (Eccl.5:12)
Double jeopardy!!!
This belonging to the rich one does not permit him to sleep.
Some might say that Noah’s ark was also the first one of these where animals are kept in enclosures.
What is a zoo?
Jesus was sleeping on this when the disciples woke him up.
What is a pillow? (Mark 4:38)
John wrote the book of Revelation from here.
Where is Patmos? (Re1:9)
These were the fourth plague on Egypt.
What are the gadflies?
A lover of sleep will come to this.
What is poverty? (Pr.20:13)
This stripped animal has disappeared from the New World Translation.
What is the Zebra?
Many of those asleep here will wake up, some to everlasting life...
Where are in the dust of the earth? (Da.12:2)
John was the only gospel writer to record this, Jesus first miracle.
What is turning water into wine? (Jo.2:1-12)
A lazy person can become wise by observing these.
What are ants? (Pr.6:6)
Jesus invited his disciples here to rest up a bit.
What is an isolated place? (Mr.6:31)
Paul said the Jews had a _______ for God but not according to accurate knowledge.
What is zeal?
This king was so agitated by his dreams he could not sleep.
Who is Nebuchadnezzar? (Da.2:1)
Double Jeopardy!!!
This is what he dreamed about.
In Revelation chapter 19 an angel told John to do this.
What is worship God! (Re.19:10)
Mountain dwelling Amorites chased the Israelites away the way theses chase people away.
What are bees? (De.1:44)
He fell from a window after falling asleep.
Who is Eutychus?
He had a change of attitude after climbing a tree.
Who was Zacchaeus?
His prophets could not wake him up despite calling out at the top of their voice.
Who is Baal? (1Ki.18:27,28)
When John ate a scroll it tasted like this.
What is sweet like honey? (Re.10:10)
Double Jeopardy!!!
It had this affect on his stomach.
When speaking to Job, Bildad described an apostate as one leaning against or trusting in a ________’s house.
What is a spider’s (Job 8:14,15 fn.)
From Jehovah’s rebuke this animal is said to ”have fallen fast asleep.”
What is the horse? (Ps.76:6)
Pharoah gave Joseph this name.
What is Zaphenath-Paneah?
Double Jeopardy!!!
Zaphenath-Paneah means this.
Woe to the one who tries to wake up these.
What are a piece of wood or speechless stone? (Hab.2:19)
John alone recorded this, Jesus’ last miracle before ascending to heaven.
What was the miraculous catch of fish? (Jo.21:4-8)